OPERA SPLASH SCREEN by abeyodunuga 2011/02/26 12:52
Here pals we are going to tutoria our self on how to mod opera with splash screen
abeyodunuga 2011/02/26 12:57
Pals contribute to this zone no free postion
abeyodunuga 2011/02/26 18:43
as for s40 user get blue ftp or mini commander to extract jar file for s60 user get winrar or jarboom to extract jar file
abeyodunuga 2011/02/26 18:46
pals are you following?let me find way to upload the necessary file
Babjab 2011/03/03 04:11
Did you die halfway whilst write the thread?
MFLOW 2011/04/11 08:56
Lol /smiley
TemPEST 2011/11/18 21:50
Blue FTP also suits all java phones
TemPEST 2011/12/01 02:16
File manager protects
#69 Phones/PCs/Apps
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