ZOMBIE FACTS by Laketempest 2011/02/25 21:33
A zombie is traditionally an undead person in the Caribbean spiritual belief system of voodoo. Essentially a dead body re-animated by unnatural means, the zombie creates dread among the living. Zombies have become a staple of modern horror fiction, where they usually engage in the consumption of human flesh. The term "zombism" is sometimes used to refer to the condition or disease associated with being a zombie!
Zombies in voodoo;
In its original form, a zombie is a person revived by a priest to serve him. He is an empty shell with neither a soul nor a will of his own. His only purpose lies in fulfilling the tasks that his master gives him. Obviously, a myth which is heavily influenced by the experience of slavery. According to the tenets of voodoo, a dead person can be revived by a in Bogor or Mambo. After resurrection, it has no will of its own, but remains under the control of the person who performed the ritual. Such resurrected dead are called zombies. Zombi is also the name of the voodoo snake god of Niger-Congo origin, it is akin to the Kongo word nzambi, which means god. It may also derive from the word zumbi meaning fetish.
Zombies in folklore;
In the Middle Ages, it was commonly believed that the souls of the dead could return to earth and haunt the living.
rickosi4eva_Dwizzard 2011/02/25 22:41
Yeah Zombies,...thank L.K But I prefer Vamps.

Rilwan 2011/02/25 22:42
. . ./smileyYeah its true the dead can return but in most cases rare . . I have actually witnessed this believe me . . My family member died somewhere . . He came to my house without being noticed . . I was the only one that saw him back then i was young . .Playing outside he told me to greet my parents for him . . I turned to tell my parents . . But when i came back he was not there . . Just few minutes later my dad recieved a call that he died . . He was reported to have drowned in a river . . . Any way thanks bro /smiley its nice reading this topic
Rilwan 2011/02/25 22:43
Quote: rickosi4eva_Dwizzard: Yeah Zombies,...thank L.K But I prefer Vamps.
no bro they are two different things . . . Ask lake for more explanations . .

ImmaBE 2011/02/25 22:49
Quote: Rilwan: no bro they are two different things . . . Ask lake for more explanations . .
ask me how to kill them /smiley

Zaphara 2011/02/25 22:49
Ahaaa.. Nice info,anyway thanks Saleem for your hard work about this topic. Keep it up!
Rilwan 2011/02/25 22:52
Quote: ImmaBE: ask me how to kill them /smiley
i know you know how theorogically but why not try it practically lol /smiley

rickosi4eva_Dwizzard 2011/02/25 22:53
Quote: Rilwan: no bro they are two different things . . . Ask lake for more explanations . .

Nah,.. bro who wanna study dead meats, dey ar nt things, they are '2 different 'IDIoTs'
letz see dies faster with my
50 calibre sniper riffle ...now u ask LakeMAn to xplain what weap0n that is!

ImmaBE 2011/02/25 22:58
Quote: Rilwan: i know you know how theorogically but why not try it practically lol /smiley
i know them all. lol

EloraM23 2011/02/25 23:02
A good read /smiley
Eternal_Knight 2011/02/26 03:28
A good topic./smiley
Marlou 2011/02/26 11:52
Z0mbie is m0re scary thing than vampire.hehe. Well, i might prepare to see vampire than z0mbie.lol.
_ShAnE_StArK_ 2015/05/15 08:46
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