SHAPESHIFTERS!! by ImmaBE 2011/02/25 20:43
can take on a living persons physical appearance and access the thoughts of the person they are mimicking. Some can copy deceased people from pictures and film as well. Shapershifters are human like cretures that start out human, but later learn how to change their form to look like anyone they want.

Shapeshifting, also known as transformation or transmogrification, is a change in the form or shape of a person, especially a change from human form to animal form or a change in appearance form one person to another.

When a Shapeshifter takes the shape of the person they chose to change into, they literally shed thier skin, teeth and nails. When they change into the pesons phyical appearnce, they access the thoughts of the person they are mimicking.
*** *** [img=]

Shapeshifters can reproduce or have children by impregnating human women.
Baby Shapeshifter
How to Identify Shapeshifters
Pretty sure, it hard to identify a Shapeshifter, because they always change form. Well they can be identified by a retinal flare that shows up when they are filmed.
For Example: Security cameras.
[img=] [img=]
Known Powers & Abilities
Shapeshifting by shedding. (of course they are Shapeshifters, lol)
Super strength

Vulnerable to silver can be killed by a bullet or blade to the heart.
[img=] [img=]
ImmaBE 2011/02/25 21:04
Additional Info!

Alpha Shapeshifter
The Father of all Shapeshifters

Known Powers
Shapeshifting without shedding
Vast super strength and durability.
Immunity to tranquilzer darts and silver.

Iridium ***

Rilwan 2011/02/25 21:11
Wow /smiley great topic/smiley thanks for the lecture /smiley i now know a lot about shapeshifters
ImmaBE 2011/02/25 22:24
it's cool to have the alpha's powers. way too cool /smiley
Zaphara 2011/02/25 22:54
/smiley Bunso... Good topic,thanks for sharing with us....
ImmaBE 2011/02/25 22:58
Quote: Cherry_mae: /smiley Bunso... Good topic,thanks for sharing with us....
You want to be a Shapeshifter? haha

Eternal_Knight 2011/02/26 03:33
/smiley good topic./smiley
_KJOE_ 2011/02/26 04:44
SG topic. SuperGreat topic
Zaphara 2011/02/26 05:07
Quote: ImmaBE: You want to be a Shapeshifter? haha
nooo,bunso....similer with ''aswang'' but dnt have wings -hahaha-

Marlou 2011/02/26 11:42
Quote: ImmaBE: You want to be a Shapeshifter? haha
How about u?/smiley nice info. Keep sharing.

ImmaBE 2011/02/26 19:16
Quote: marlou: How about u?/smiley nice info. Keep sharing.
i want the Alpha's powers! /smiley

_ShAnE_StArK_ 2015/05/15 08:35
good topic
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