WEREWOLF FACTS by Laketempest 2011/02/24 19:29
> The legend of the werewolf is centuries old, having first appeared as we have come to know it in the countryside of European towns in the 1500's. In theory, a werewolf is a mortal that has the magical ability to transform into a large gruesome wolf. It can only be killed by a silver bullet, or other silver object, through its heart and will revert to human form then. This transformation is also known as shape shifting, and shape shifting can be traced back to Ancient Greek and Roman mythology. From the legends of the Zeus Lycaeus to writings of Plato, Pliny and Ovid, metamorphosis from man to beast seemed to be common.
> Kin to the werewolf are other were animals and half man / half beast creatures. The most widely known of these are Centaurs and Satyrs, from Ancient Greece. Other countries have other were animals including; India's were tigers, Africa's were leopard, Russia's were bear, South America's were snake and China's were foxes. Other cultures also have were hyenas, were lions, were jackals and were crocodiles. The fascination with half man/ half beast creatures and men that can change into an animal, are found all over the world.
> The werewolf legend grew strong in the late 1500's in Europe mainly because the wolf's presence was very strong in the countryside at that time. The people's fear of these creatures was so strong and so real that it may have contributed to many of the werewolf legends. The wolf, in it's natural form, has been noted to possess demonic qualities: semi nocturnal, gray in color, high pitched howls, razor sharp teeth, eyes that glow yellow, green or red and a tendency to be quiet and not seen in the hunt and while foraging. This haunting and frightening image of a wolf combined with the fear and the ranting of many, led people to believe that attacks on their village were due to werewolves.
> In the late 1580's, in Germany, a man named Peter Stubb confessed to being a werewolf. His confession, like those of witches, was brought about by a severe method of torture and interrogation. Nevertheless, Stubbs admitted to shape shifting to a wolf by wearing a magical belt of wolf skin and killing many women and girls, whom he also violated and later ate. His most hideous crime was killing his own son who he took out to the woods and killed, later eating his brain. He died under the most horrible mutilation and torture his peers could conceive as punishment.
> Jean Grenier is on record as being one of the earliest known child werewolves. He was not born a werewolf, but was said to have been given a magic ointment by the dark and sinister Master of the Forest. He also turned out to be one of the earliest documented cases of what doctors today classify as Lycanthropy. In 1603, in Southwest France, he boasted of killing and eating many girls, which the villages believed since the girls were indeed missing. He told of shape shifting by applying this magic ointment, and hunting down the weakest of the village. Grenier was believed and tried but judged not to be a werewolf, only to be a mentally defective youth. The judges determined that his thinking he was a werewolf was caused by demonic possession, so they imprisoned him for life in a monastery.
> Lycanthropy is the medical disease in which a person believes that they are a wolf and subsequently take on the personality and characteristics of the animal. They may howl, hunch on all fours and have a taste for raw meat, but they retain their human form.
> Modern doctors believe that lycanthropes suffer from any or all of these disorders; schizophrenia, hysterical neurosis, manic depressive psychosis and psychomotor epilepsy. Today, these problems can be treated with medicine.
> There are many hallucinogenic plants and fungus infected grains that might have also contributed to the werewolf phenomenon. Hallucinations causing people to believe they are wolves and leading them to commit horrible acts is one theory that has occurred in times as recent as the early 1900's.
> Rabies and Porphyria, both rare diseases, should also not be discounted as possibilities of a werewolf craze. Rabies would cause a person to foam at the mouth, growl and snarl and take on the characteristics of a wolf or dog. It attacks the central nervous system and the victim can die within 5 days. Porphyria is a rare genetic disorder that affects the red blood cells, cells which are important for carrying oxygen throughout our body. Symptoms of untreated Porphyria include; photo sensitivity, discoloration of the skin, increased growth of body hair and abnormal changes in the skin. This disease is often accompanied by mental disturbances including psychosis.
> Lycanthropy, rabies and hallucinogenic plants may help to explain some of the cases of supposed werewolves, but it can't eliminate the fact that stories and accounts of werewolves and were animals have existed for centuries all across the world. Folklore tells that a person is a werewolf if they have: eyebrows that meet in the middle of their face, long, claw like fingernails, small flat or pointy ears and their third finger is exceptionally long. Sound like anyone you might know, or maybe you want to take a look in the mirror. They say there is a beast inside everyone. Maybe, for some of us, the beast gets a chance to emerge once every full moon.
ImmaBE 2011/02/24 20:05
i know how to kill them.
The cure is probably nothing.. /smiley
that sucks

OceanGoddes 2011/02/24 20:10
/smiley nice info sal keep up the good work/smiley
EloraM23 2011/02/24 20:18
Very informative stuff. /smiley
ImmaBE 2011/02/24 20:40
so here's my info about werewolves, topic id: 2775194
Marlou 2011/02/24 23:50
Very g0od stuff that u shared here./smiley
Zaphara 2011/02/25 00:30
/smiley Nice info again..Keep on posting and sharing with us...thanks.
Eternal_Knight 2011/02/25 07:21
Nice topic again. .
_ShAnE_StArK_ 2015/05/14 08:36
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