Welcome to the School of Love by Laketempest 2011/02/17 13:46
There is something special attached to matters of the heart that doesn't exist in any other area of life. Sickness is either cured or lived with, financial problems will come to some kind of conclusion, but love is such a game of winners and losers that it makes this area of life impossible to control. When one's heart is being stirred, the emotions that rise to the surface are absolutely overwhelming and can turn us into someone that we ourselves don't recognize. Falling in love is a kind of madness, and when an affair doesn't go the way we wish it to, then we can literally lose our heads!

So here i've open a school in which you will learn;
(1) How to attract a lover.
(2) How to keep a relationship spiced-up.
(3) The art of flirting.
(4) Seduction skills to use when dating.
(5) Step by step guide on heart-break recovery.
(6) Being romantic.

All of these and a lot more!

Just post your questions here and be helped for free by the 2wap love gurus Laketempest, _Mr.RaO_ and OceanGoddes

Boys will get to test out their flirting skills on OceanGoddes to make sure they get it right!

Avoid off topic posting/free posting/unnecessary quoting of posts/it will be deleted!
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