[HOT]Active Boot Disk-TESTED by allexclusive 2011/02/08 01:59
Active@ Boot Disk

Active@ Boot Disk is a complete and functioning computer operating system on CD/DVD/USB disk.

Active@ Boot Disk does not modify the operating system already installed on a computer's hard drive.
It includes many tools to boot up a computer and fix most startup, PC configuration, and system management problems.

Key Features:
new! Active@ Boot Disk is based on Windows 7 and includes Active@ Disk Image 4.2.4.
Dual-boot functionality (DOS + Windows)
New Boot Disk Creator interface plus additional features
Disk Defragmenter for files optimization
New activation process does not require reinstallation
File management browse directories, search, copy and move files and folders
Data CD/DVD burning for data backup and recovery purposes
Additional driver loading on-the-fly, or from pre-configured directories
Full access to non-bootable PC
Network access via TCP/IP, network configurator is included

Name: softportal
allexclusive 2011/02/08 23:24
hey! where are the pc users !
This one can open ultra iso {already installed} and from there u can run setup file of OS iso . test this!

Int3rfaC3 2011/02/19 15:39
For what is this actually. I didnt get you. For formatting ?
KiSSu 2011/03/28 01:44
Try but i not sure.
Someone 2013/07/21 11:24
One of the most useful tool
Hareesh 2013/07/31 05:11
Click here. . . . .

S-ALI.RAZA 2013/12/26 14:44
Nice /smiley
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