Laketempest 2011/02/07 23:07
Just to inform that after a short break because it is time consuming to edit and shape a smiley in the real traditional style like the smiley legend and my brother stingray, im making them again. If anyone requested a smiley of this nature few months ago and didnt get it im sorry.
1. I'll be putting animation to them but the animation will only move with the phone browser or your pc.
2. I'll make them so that if you use opera you will still be able to view them although they are in animated gif format.
3. If you wanna have your own face done as a smiley you may inbox me for my email where you can send me your photo.
4. I'll only be doing them when im on my off day from work and they will be done on a first come - first serve basis.
5. I'll try my best to fit your needs but please dont spank me if i take long or dont produce exact lol.
6. The usual FAQ rules apply.
Love you all, and thanks for reading!
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