Should we save land for endangered animals..?..? by LoneLy_heArt 2011/01/27 11:23
Human beings tend to put their needs in the first place all the time. It is obvious that we all need shelter, food and clothing to survive.

For some people possession of mentioned above things is not enough and they start to build houses and industrial institutions all over the world. In my view, this way we put the wild life of our planet in jeopardy. I definitely do not agrees with the statement that our need for farmland, hosing and industry is more important than lives of endangered animals.

We all know that industry provides not only necessary things for people, but also destroys our environment. Of course, every person in the world needs such things as food, clothes and home.

People already have built abundance of mega policies, small towns and villages with all kinds of industrial institutions.

Humans activity influences our environment dramatically every single day. For example, people cut forests, throw garbage into the ocean and create pollution all the time.

Many species of animals are already endangered because of our poisonous activities. Do we need to destroy our picturesque world even more, or it is time to stop now? I believe that people should decrease the development of industry, hosting and farms where there are wild forest and animals.

Also, I would say that everything in the nature is connected so strongly that by killing one kind of animals and destroying one type of wild plant, we can destroy many other species. As an example, Panda bears eat only bamboo trees and leaves. If people cut bamboo forests where Panda live, they would disappear too, because of the lack of their favorite food.

At the end, I would say that the land should be saved for wild and endangered animals. People should start thinking not only about their goods, but also about saving our planet.
Laketempest 2011/01/27 11:31
We should do what is necessary to protect nature.
LoneLy_heArt 2011/01/27 11:38
Quote: Laketempest: We should do what is necessary to protect nature.
nature is essential to the living things like the animals and the people who are dependent to nature. all resources are taking here from food to oxygen from shelter to leisure.

Zaphara 2011/01/27 12:02
There are a lot of ways how to save land for endangered animals, but the most important thing is the consciousness of people. While
we think only about our prosperity, we are unable to
think about true beauty of our nature.

Mahesh 2011/01/27 12:15
Yes. We should prevent extinction of animals to save heritage. If we dont save land for endangered animals then they will eventually extict and there will not be any way backward. . .
STAIN 2011/01/28 04:24
Yeah that's a nice suggestion but who wil implement it?/smiley
TheMouse 2011/01/28 05:14
Hmm, the way I see it it's not really about saving land for animals coz they're cute and we take pity on them. That, however, is the kind of feel I get from your topic. ('Picturesque world'? - I beg your pardon?!) In a way, nobody should have to worry, as the more of the animal species becomes extinct the more definitely the extinction of humans will be impending. That's because the ecosystem will collapse, as a result of the breakdown of a very intricate and (up to this day at least!) finely tuned balance between all organic things. Looking at both human history and human way of behaviour, I tend to assume that disaster will eventually globally come for people, and nature will resume its course. I'd say, be reassured and free from worries because humans will disappear, but organic life won't. Also be reassured and free from worries because 1. we cannot live without the planet, but 2. the planet can live without us. Humans aren't really that important, and, in the long run, don't have that much impact, whatever they do. /smiley
InternetLord 2011/01/31 14:35
its up to us 2 do dat
samii 2011/02/03 14:31
yes offcourse
EloraM23 2011/09/25 07:00
I believe that animals should have the right to live on the land. Humans shouldn't have exclusive rights to the planet. Animals have been around longer than humans. Humankind needs to learn to share.
MaG 2011/09/26 04:57
Good topic... we shud preserve animals and forests but we can't stop our industrial growth...
Debasish.CO 2011/09/27 07:48
You take a good step for our socity.Everyone should be like you.
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