China mobile codes by _rOcK_ 2011/01/24 16:21
China mobile latest codes

Default user code: 1122 ,3344 , 1234,5678

Engineer mode : *#110 *01#

Factory mode :*#987#

Enable COM port : *#110 *01 # ->Device -> Set UART > PS Config -> UART1 /115200

Restore factory
settings: *#987 *99#

LCD contrast : *#369#

software version : *#800#
software version : *#900#

set default language : *#0000#

Sendset English
language : *#0044#

Sendset English
language : *#001#

Mahesh 2011/01/24 16:26
Okay thanks for sharing there codes with us. Im not using china mobile but its helpful/smiley
STAIN 2011/01/24 16:26
/smiley thanks for sharing.
NEW-MAN 2011/01/24 16:29
_NiHaL_ 2011/01/24 16:31
Thanks br0. 4 sharing.
_SUPERBRAT_ 2011/01/24 16:33
wow thanks 4 sharing bro, but im also not using china mobile .lol.
_NiHaL_ 2011/01/24 16:35
But i hAve n0kIa m0bi..hehe.
Monkeyboy 2011/01/24 16:39
Nd no 1 who said thanx is actually from China.../smiley
LoneLy_heArt 2011/01/24 16:44
thanks bro.
EngineerT 2011/01/24 16:52
good kip up
AmouR 2011/01/25 02:19
Not of my use. /smiley
_-FiRe-PhOeNiX-_ 2011/01/25 04:21
thanks bt no use /smiley
Class 2011/01/25 11:39
Well done
papacita 2011/01/25 14:03
Good 4 china fone users... tanx all d same.
vqoley 2011/01/25 17:19
thanks bro...
Dirigo 2011/01/26 05:08
Tanx very much it helpful
Muwale 2011/01/28 06:26
Only one of the codes worked for me.
Simeon081 2011/01/28 07:15
Tnx 4 sharing
Basim360 2011/01/28 14:05
Nt WRKNG IN Ma g'5 Mobile.
BRAIN_MASTER 2011/01/29 05:41
You are good man
Alok 2011/01/30 10:24
Thanks 4 u.. i m happy -happy- to know about this -sandman-
Replies: 27

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