mango like child (: by Insenus_AmoR 2011/01/21 11:08
Gul to his son after exam: "let me see your report card."
Son: "My friend just borrowed it. He wants to scare his parents." -faint-

_-FiRe-PhOeNiX-_ 2011/01/21 11:24
-hahaha- Gul ka baccha /smiley
AprilSnow 2011/01/21 11:25
_dreamprince_ 2011/01/21 11:29
/smiley .hehe.
Mahesh 2011/01/21 11:30
Lol good one. /smiley
Laketempest 2011/01/21 11:39
/smiley very good
_GUL_ 2011/01/21 12:00
/smiley okay ?
R49hu 2011/01/21 13:10
hehe lolz nice one
Saphire_flames 2011/01/21 13:22
gul /smiley
Undiscover 2011/01/21 18:00
Vers1tile 2011/01/23 16:12
hawu we dnt knw
AmouR 2011/01/24 05:53
Lol good one .lol.
____THe.bosS 2011/03/14 08:28
MAFIA 2011/03/18 13:05
KiSSu 2011/03/26 06:56
/smiley lol
Laketempest 2011/03/26 07:34
-funny- ok
ACIDized 2011/03/26 08:01
LOL cute kid
_Terry_ 2011/03/26 15:14
/smileypoor Gul
Muwale 2011/03/29 20:35
Funny. Lol.
RUDE_DUDE 2011/04/08 00:19
Quote: AfaQue: Gul to his son after exam: "let me see your report card."
Son: "My friend just borrowed it. He wants to scare his parents." -faint-

SAGITTARIUS 2011/04/08 09:43
-hahaha- good joke but i think its real./smiley
Replies: 34

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