rickosi4eva_Dwizzard: Wen I cam3 rit3 h'er me heard H.Bound tak abt s0me 3G0/wit me VintaG3 3YE, me s0ared lik an Eagle/I DEciedd 2 c0m dr0pin s0me b0mB-Like shxt 0n u m0noM3NT Figur3/som kid here is new to diz dizin this-thiNG rap-GAME & im g0nn be driBBled lik FIG0/amma rap thz rap-game squezin lif3 0utta im/sniper*ing - ' - im wift ma n0n-refundable [SWASH-BLEED3R56] /feedin im up ma li0n lik ah FISH-ROLL/am kinG OF TH0USAND ringz/and amma g0nn t0ast im t0ze like ah PIG-N0SE!// thz undagrnd hardc0re, is neva heard about dud3 WHO KNOWZ?, ITs FR0M DAH bottomless PIT-HOLEZ/
am a Time b0mb 4 moment u Hate m3, I READ 0:00:00 ZEroZ on ya xisteNCE/shut ya latriN wen We ELDeez i.e
(me/b_l/shv7/resy/undgrnd/h.b...) talk c0z we d0ubt ya resisteNCE/drpin shxt c0z presisteNce/unveilin ya preteNCE/we bl00d-sheD u frm ah php distaNCE/4 insTANCE 0ur rap rape ya sisTAS/& 4 u,trez nev g0n be an 3aster/nt 3ven a christMAS!
starb3r ya knw ya Self! U KnOW! am c0mmin 4 ya! -warn-
now, YUNGB0Z creatED s0m shxtY t0pik 4g3tin some sHxty s0mting/nwh ya ass bin whimped by dah wh0l rapCR3W lik dah seekerz mod-sith/YOUNGBOSS takin it sl0w 0n ya wit ma YoungCLAWZ/I NAIL u 0n dah cr0x wit0uft pitty 0n dah YOUNGCROSS/I R3JECT ya meat c0x u stil nude like YOUNGH0RS3/ 7(X)Times 0n tHa cr0z I nail U/ya handz/feet/ya earz/and YA EYE c0z YA S0UL IS MIN3/nt a j0ke bl0ke thz w0rdz ar HARD! 4rm tha WIZZARD -skull1- THEZ WARDZ AR DEVINE! dnt try tah act stubb0rn c0z ya rapSKiLZ Mahn! I fervently RE-BIND! evry t0tz 0f ya 3xistenc3 u 4g3t! MA RAPPPZ
REMIND!! nt ma frikiNN fault I kiLL3D U mahn! 4 Datz h0w am BLEssfully D3SIGN3D! U put ya h3ad d0wn wen u see me nt bc0z ur afraid bt bc0z ur a Sick-dik!
Dnt try tah find m3 son I speed lik tha FIRST B0RN OF JAMEZ BOND so fast dah u cant REAC0N/wit dah s0und blAST!(x) of sobarEAc0n/I sit 0n ya track-list evaquatin t0 dah PLAN3t c0z datz h0w I plan3d-IT!
This t0pic says Dip set,
but this, [rick] has got ths rap stuff all rapped-up and br0t out deep-shiT.