gayatri mantra by _dreamprince_ 2010/12/24 09:40
Gayatri (gaayatree) mantra is
the most important and popular
verse (shloka) of the Vedas (ved/
s). Hindus love to chant this
sacred religious shloka (shlok) as
mantra (maNtra). It is
sometimes called 'Maha Mantra'.
Maha (mahaa) means 'great'.
In DevaNagari script :
ॐ भूर्भुवः॒ स्वः॒
भ॒र्गो॑ दे॒वस्य॑ धीमहि।
धियो॒ यो नः॑ प्रचो॒दया॑त्॥
Without Stress Marks :
ॐ भूर्भुवः स्वः
भर्गो देवस्य धीमहि।
धियो यो नः प्रचोदयात्॥

_dreamprince_ 2010/12/24 09:42
Transliteration of Gayatri
In Latin (Roman) alphabet (using
xNagari transliteration scheme) :
Om bhoor-bhuvaH svaH,
tat-savitur-vareNNyam, bhargo
devasya dheemahi,
dhiyo yo naH prachodayaat.
ॐ (ओ३म्) = Om or Aum
भूर्भुवः (भूर्-भुवः) = bhoor-
स्वः = svaH
( तत्-सवितुर्-वरेण्यम्) = tat-
भर्गो (भर्-गो) = bhargo
देवस्य = devasya
धीमहि = dheemahi
धियो = dhiyo
यो = yo
नः = naH
प्रचोदयात (प्‌रचोदयात) =

_dreamprince_ 2010/12/24 09:44
Interpretations of Gayatri
There are variations/differences
in the interpretations of the
Gayatri Mantra by various
scholars. But every one agrees
that it is a prayer to the
By Max Muller :
Let us obtain (meditate on) the
adorable splendour of Savitri
(Sun God), may He arouse our
By Maharshi Dayanand
Saraswati :
'O God, You are the giver of life,
the remover of pain & sorrow,
the bestower of happiness; O
Creator of the Universe, may we
receive Your supreme sin-
destroying light; may You guide
our intellect in the right

_dreamprince_ 2010/12/24 09:45
Meaning of Words in The
Om = pranav mantra = a word
related to the God
bhoo(r) = bhooH = the earth
bhuvaH = bhuvarloka, the air
svaH = svarga, heaven
tat = that
savit(ur) = savit = Sun, God
vareNNya(m) = adopt(able), follow
bhargo = energy (sin destroying
devasya = of the deity
dheemahi = meditate or imbibe
dhiyo = plural of dhee = mind, the
yo = Who (God)
naH = our
prachodayat = inspire, awaken

_dreamprince_ 2010/12/24 09:46
The God (Sun) of the Earth,
Atmosphere and Space, who is to
be followed, we meditate on his
power, (may) He inspire(s) our
The main difference in the
various interpretations seems
to be in the first stanza!
According to Dayanand Saraswati
(dayaanand sarasvatee)
bhooH (bhoor) = praNNaadhaar
(basis of life)
bhuvaH = remover of sorrow
svaH = giver of happyness

Spoon 2010/12/24 09:46
this is very similar to 1 in my faith seems alot r similar with r beliefs
_dreamprince_ 2010/12/25 16:50
Quote: Spoon: this is very similar to 1 in my faith seems alot r similar with r beliefs

haris 2010/12/25 23:26
nice information.. I wasnt knowin meanin n interpretation of dis.. Thanx...

I wanna knw, smtyms itz cloudy, or for example, last week in my city for 3days it was raining continuously..i.e sun was totally invisible.. Then in such cases wat shall we do??

_dreamprince_ 2010/12/26 09:15
Quote: haris: nice information.. I wasnt knowin meanin n interpretation of dis.. Thanx...

I wanna knw, smtyms itz cloudy, or for example, last week in my city for 3days it was raining continuously..i.e sun was totally invisible.. Then in such cases wat shall we do??
enjoy the rain because rain is needed

haris 2010/12/26 14:21
Quote: _Mr.RaO_: enjoy the rain because rain is needed
u said sun as a god.. Wat shall we do durin rains?? or at nyts?? And durin solar eclipses?? How can sun be a god??? Plz expain my queries..

Thank u

_dreamprince_ 2010/12/26 16:59
Quote: haris: u said sun as a god.. Wat shall we do durin rains?? or at nyts?? And durin solar eclipses?? How can sun be a god??? Plz expain my queries..

Thank u
rain is also a god,solar eclipses comes for other

haris 2010/12/26 20:46
Quote: _Mr.RaO_: rain is also a god,solar eclipses comes for other
oops and rain is another god?? Wat r their names??
Plz dnt take it as an offence.. I really wanna learn soemthing abt dis..

_dreamprince_ 2010/12/27 00:07
Quote: haris: oops and rain is another god?? Wat r their names??
Plz dnt take it as an offence.. I really wanna learn soemthing abt dis..
its rain god.. ya i know u r learning something

haris 2010/12/27 09:47
Quote: _Mr.RaO_: its rain god.. ya i know u r learning something
so that means u also hav a diffrnt mantra or a prayer for rain god??

can we conclude that rain god is assigned wid the work to descend rain only?

_dreamprince_ 2010/12/27 11:31
Quote: haris: so that means u also hav a diffrnt mantra or a prayer for rain god??

can we conclude that rain god is assigned wid the work to descend rain only?
yes i say we have and according to hindus rain GOD is for rain WHICH I BELIEVE HE CAME FROM BRAMA

haris 2010/12/27 12:06
Quote: _Mr.RaO_: yes i say we have and according to hindus rain GOD is for rain WHICH I BELIEVE HE CAME FROM BRAMA
but ur scriptures say ther is only one god.. Luk for example..

UPANISHADS : The Upanishads are considered sacred scriptures by the Hindus. The following verses from the Upanishads refer to the Concept of God:
i."Ekam evadvitiyam""He is One only without a second."[Chandogya Upanishad 6:2:1]1
ii."Na casya kascij janita na cadhipah.""Of Him there are neither parents nor lord."[Svetasvatara Upanishad 6:9]2
iii."Na tasya pratima asti""There is no likeness of Him."[Svetasvatara Upanishad 4:19]3
iv. The following verses from the Upanishad allude to the inability of man to imagine God in a particular form:"Na samdrse tisthati rupam asya, na caksusa pasyati kas canainam.""His form is not to be seen; no one sees Him with the eye."[Svetasvatara Upanishad 4:20]

_dreamprince_ 2010/12/27 12:37
The three main
incarnation he takes are
the creator, Vishnu the
protector and Shiva the
destroyer. God has all three
facets to (His/Her/It's)
character. God also appears
someone who brings wealth
(Lakshmi), who has a
mischievous side (Krsihna)
So there are different names
for the different assets of
character. Hope this helps

haris 2010/12/27 19:49
Quote: _Mr.RaO_: The three main incarnation he takes are Brahma the creator, Vishnu the protector and Shiva the destroyer. God has all three facets to (His/Her/It's) character. God also appears as someone who brings wealth (Lakshmi), who has a mischievous side (Krsihna) etc... So there are different names for the different assets of character. Hope this helps
so u mean to say god is one but he comes/appears in diffrnt ways

_dreamprince_ 2010/12/28 02:54
Quote: haris: so u mean to say god is one but he comes/appears in diffrnt ways
thats it and we call GOD and pray his different ways forms and avatars

haris 2010/12/28 09:25
Quote: _Mr.RaO_: thats it and we call GOD and pray his different ways forms and avatars
but dude..... Why god needs to appear or takes diffrnt avtars?? There must be some valid reason ne??

Spoon 2010/12/28 11:11
different avatars for different forms for different reasons for different acts, simple really, if u want rain u ask rain avatar if u want sum u ask sun avatar, still behind wot u see is the same just different in appearence for that particualr reason
Replies: 23

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