bornrichers club by GOODNESS 2010/12/18 18:30
welcom to bornrichers club
we are ave started celebrating the new year
so am using this thread to give thanks to God
So am gonna be giving freebies
My goal is to help my fellow 2wappers and not nigerian alone to use the real systems that i just saw, i ave got and ave used to make money online for those who needs it.
Which means ure all welcom.
GOODNESS 2010/12/25 10:37
yeah the bomb is about to blow
GOODNESS 2010/12/26 08:38
I wanted to share with you
something that has really
assisted me in developing
my business here on the
It has to do with focus.
That's right, focus.
Having a focus as to what
you are wanting to do here
Now I am sure that you have
heard people talking about
the need for knowing exactly
where you want to be going
if you want to achieve anything.
And this is totally true.
You need to have a goal in mind
if you want to achieve something.
Now how does focus tie into this?
Well you need to have the focus
to achieve that goal.
If you have a goal, any goal, it
does not matter, and you never
take the time to put a constant
focused effort towards achieving
that goal, you will never get there.
It really works that way.
Decided what you want to do,
the goal.
Then take consitent, focused
action steps to achieve it.
As long as you do this, you will
achieve your success.
So till we chat again Bayo
See ya
PS: "Success is a matter of
luck, ask any failure"

GOODNESS 2010/12/26 09:20
if making money
online is one of your major goals . Now, it
is much easier then you may think it is.
But, let me warn you, however.
It is not as easy as some people will lead
you to believe it is. It will take hard work,
focus, determination, consistency and
persistence from you. Needless to say that
by hard work I mean smart and hard
work. We have to put in the quality and
the quantity required.
Do you need every single one of these
character traits? Probably not, but you
need at least one thing. You can make
money online if you want it bad enough.
Because then you are willing to do
whatever it takes to make it happen.
The first principle in Napoleon Hill' s Think
and Grow Rich is desire. Do you think it s a
coincidence? I don t think so. And
the level of our desire should be a burning
obsession . It s no doubt that desire comes
first. And I dont mean wishful thinking. I
mean a magnificent obsession.
Now, you can have a real desire to make
money online but you don t have a clue on
how to get started. Thats ok. Let me give
you a three step plan about what you can
do for an internet home business.
But first, I want to warn you. Everybody
will tell you to start with what you are
passionate about. That makes sense,
doesn t it? But let me tell you this. Starting
with what you are passionate about can
be a real problem. Why? Just because you
could be the only one who is passionate
about that service, concept or product! It s
much better to have passionate
customers, believe me.
These are the three steps or rules by Alex Mirabeau

GOODNESS 2010/12/26 09:38
1. The first thing to do is to find a market or a
niche. I mean a hungry crowd if you
prefer. You have to find people who are
looking for solutions. The more desperate
these people are in this specific market,
the better is your niche. So the first thing
to do is to find a market. Not the other
way around.
2. Now, this hungry crowd must be willing to
pay for your service or product. There are
a lot of people out there, really interested
in as many things as you can imagine,
they are really passionate about them.
But, and it s a big but, they want these
things for free. How do you know? Look at
your competition. If people are spending
money advertising and promoting their
offer, it means one thing. There is a
market for their product. If there is no
competition, there is no market.
3. The third step is to make your customers
an offer they can t refuse. You have to
stand out from the competition. That s
where your passion, your personality and
your imagination come into play. If you
can make an irresistible offer to a hungry
crowd willing to pay for your product , you
are in business.
And the more successful you are in your
business the more passionate about your
business you become. That s what
following your passion means to me.

GOODNESS 2010/12/26 10:29
Here is a great way that you can engage in right now and start making money online.
Firstly register HERE and follow the process that will be given to you by GERY CARSON the sfi president.
Your account will be link to trippleclick.
You may be asking what trippleclick is all about,yeah trippleclick is like an online garage where you can buy and sell both new and used items and will be shipped to you anywhere you are in the world.
You can list any item you have for just 0.29cent and cash your money with a free mastercard that will be given to you by gery carson or use your money to shop online.
To know more about trippleclick register here now and start listing
register here as a sfi member to get more training and 10 trippleclick credit to list your items all for free

To your online success goodness( bayo )

GOODNESS 2010/12/26 10:33
feel free to pm me for any assistance
RAPHEALZ 2010/12/27 05:23
U shall be rewarded
GOODNESS 2010/12/28 06:44
anything worthwhile in life
requires effort and commitment. If that
were not true, we'd all be the perfect
weight, we'd all have perfect relationships,
and we'd all be highly educated. It's the
same thing with having your own
In short, treat online besiness you are engaged in or any business you are doing especially your SFI business as a
serious, full-time business, put in the effort
and commit to its success and it will
become one.

"Unless commitment is made, there are
only promises and hopes; but no plans."

"You need to make a commitment, and
once you make it, then life will give you
some answers."

"There's no scarcity of opportunity to
make a living at what you love. There is
only a scarcity of resolve to make it

"There are only two options regarding
commitment. You're either in or out.
There's no such thing as a life in-between."
if you are not a member of sfi its your turn today now to become one [url=[/url]

GOODNESS 2010/12/30 12:21
I have just found a social site that pays u
as an affiliate, they pay u *1 to refer a male
and *2 to refer a female, moreso they
accept Nigerians and they pay thru PayPal,
check and payoneer master card,they also give u free
payoneer mastercard, so its what u can
easily reach in 2 days. The registration
takes 2 steps. To register with them, firstly,
click and
complete the registration, after finishing
the 1st registration, click HERE, then sign up
and choose pay-per click (PPC) complete
the final registration. Its very real, av
attached proof of my payments to this
post, u can view it. If the links did not
open, u can go thru a proxy site like or

GOODNESS 2011/01/09 07:28
compliment guys visit and download free

GOODNESS 2011/01/09 07:31
compliment guys visit and download free
ebooks [url]

Manal 2011/02/07 20:05
Whats that?
Manal 2012/10/02 03:16
too long to read
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