*you'll be safe here* by
_kR13nA_ 2010/12/16 11:56
you'll be safe here by rivermaya
n0b0dy kn0ws just why we're here
c0uld it be fate or rand0m circumstance
at the right place
at the right time
two r0ads intertwine
nd if the universe c0nspired
to meld our lives
to make us
fuel and fire
then kn0w where ever y0u will be so t0o shall i be..
Cl0se y0ur eyes
dry y0ur tears
c0z when n0thing seems clear
y0u'll be safe here
fr0m the sheer weight of y0ur d0ubts nd fears
weary heart
y0u'll be safe here..
Remember h0w we laughed untill we cried
at the m0st stupid things like we we're so high
but l0ve was all tht we we're on..we bel0ng
nd th0ugh the w0rld w0uld never understand this unlikely uni0n nd why it still stand
s0meday we will be set free...
Pray and believe...
When the lights disappear nd when this w0rld insincere
y0u'll be safe here
when n0b0dy hears y0u scream
ill scream with y0u
y0u'll be safe here...
Save y0ur eyes fr0m y0ur tears when everythings unclear
y0u'll be safe here
fr0m the sheer weight of y0ur d0ubts nd fears
w0unded heart...
When the light disappear nd when this w0rld insincere
y0u'll be safe here..
When n0b0dy hears y0u scream
ill scream with y0u
y0u'll be safe here..
In my arms thr0ugh the l0ng c0ld night sleep tight
y0u'll be safe here
when n0 one understands
ill believe y0u..
Y0u'll be safe
y0u'll be safe
y0u'll be safe here...
Put y0ur heart in my hand..you'll be safe here....
Mahesh 2010/12/16 11:58
Good one mis
Jyk 2010/12/16 21:41
Swit lyricx.
BrAvE 2011/08/11 20:25
Lyrics ws gr8
Creative Work
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