Aura Reading by EloraM23 2010/11/30 02:17
In parapsychology and many forms of spiritual practice, an aura is a field of subtle, luminous radiation surrounding a person or object (like the halo or aureola in religious art). The depiction of such an aura often connotes a person of particular power or holiness. Sometimes, however, all people, or all living things, or all objects whatsoever are said to manifest such an aura. Often it is held to be perceptible, whether spontaneously or with practice: such perception is at times linked with the third eye of Indian spirituality. Various writers associate various personality traits with the colors of different layers of the aura.
EloraM23 2010/11/30 02:18
Skeptics contend that auras may be seen for reasons such as migraines, synesthesia, epilepsy, a disorder within the visual system, a disorder within the brain, or due to the influence of psychedelic drugs such as LSD. Eye fatigue can also produce an aura, sometimes referred to as eye burn.
Eternal_Knight 2010/12/08 03:31
how to view the aura of person
EloraM23 2010/11/30 02:25
Aura Colours Meaning
RED: lifeforce, survival, raw passion, anger, frustration, menstruation, determination, sense of importance, feeling overwhelmed by change

ORANGE: sensuality, physical pleasure, emotional self-expression, creativity, lacking reason, lacking self-discipline, health, vitality
YELLOW: mental alertness, analytical thought, happiness, optimism, child-like, ego driven, thinking at expense of feeling
GREEN: healing, peace, nurturing, new growth, fear, need for security, jealousy and envy, balance
BLUE: verbal communication, freethinking, relating to structure and organization, emphasis on business, male energies, sadness, possibilities

PURPLE: wisdom, authoritative, female energies, matriarchal, sense of superiority, controlling, imagination, intuition
BROWN: grounding, down to earth, practical, male energies, invalidating, emphasizing body and denying spirit, feeling worth-less
BLACK: issues relating to death, hatred, lack of forgiveness, unresolved karma, dark intentions, shadow games, needing compassion for self
PINK: self-love, tenderness, female energies, gay energies, emphasis on physical appearances, being 'nice' at expense of being 'real'
WHITE (CLOUDY): New Age or religious energy, lacking consciousness, a cover-up, denial, being 'good' at expense of being 'whole'
WHITE (CLEAR LIGHT): very high spiritual vibration, godly, divine, inspiration, seeing spiritual big picture, compassionate
GOLD: high spiritual vibration, integrity, respect, freedom, clearseeing, integrating spirit and body, creating as spirit

EloraM23 2010/11/30 02:20
In the classical western mysticism of neoplatonism and kabala the aura is associated with the lustre of the astral body, a subtle body identified with the planetary heavens, which were in turn associated with various mental faculties in an elaborate system of correspondences with colours, shapes, sounds, perfumes etc.
The symbolism of light found in The Bible is at times associated with the idea of the aura or "body of light": similar interpretations are found in Islamic traditions.
According to the literature of Theosophy, Anthroposophy, and Archeosophy also, each colour of the aura has a meaning, indicating a precise emotional state. A complete description of the aura and its colours was provided by Charles Leadbeater, a theosophist of the 19th century. The works of Leadbeater were later developed by Palamidessi and others.

EloraM23 2010/11/30 02:19
In Iran the aura is known as farr or "glory": it is depicted in association with Zoroastrian kings and the prophets of Islam.
Ideas of the aura are well represented in Indian religions. The Buddhist flag represents the colours seen around the enlightened Buddha. In Jainism the concept of Lesya relates colours to mental and emotional dispositions. To the Indian teacher Meher Baba the aura is of seven colours, associated with the subtle body and its store of mental and emotional impressions. Spiritual practice gradually transforms this aura into a spiritual halo. Hindu and Buddhist sources often link these colours to kundalini energy and the chakras.

Dreamy3 2010/12/05 00:19
Im new in this site, but i took photos of myself on my patio and theres alot of images around my head, one photo looks like a halo over my head, other one looks like a feathered head dress on my head wen i go to my daughter's computer i willupload them into my profile here.. in other site a psychic said i was a spanish healer in a past life. but i wouldnt know coz iam coast salish native n native ppl mwear those too
Dreamy3 2010/12/05 05:05
i put up my sun pics in my gallery now, the circles, halo, feathered headdress now, i hope you will view them
Dreamy3 2010/12/05 22:57
Thank you for viewing my gallery n giving me spiritual guidance on them other psychic in other site said he seen shadows in them around my neck to my back area
Fluxion 2011/02/07 14:52
loooong oneeeeeeeeeeee
_ShAnE_StArK_ 2015/05/15 09:00
long one..
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