TIPS ON BUYING A NEW LAPTOP by Laketempest 2010/11/15 13:52
When buying a new laptop computer there are several factors that must be considered in order to make a wise decision. The biggest mistake a lot of people make is purchasing solely on price. While price certainly is an important consideration you need to be sure your comparing apples to apples. If one computer is 1000 dollars and another is 800 dollars you can't assume the higher priced computer is superior. All we really know is one computer is priced more than the other which tells us nothing at all about the quality of either. There are numerous options to consider before buying a laptop computer!

Screen size and type;
Laptop screens range from 12" standard 4x3 aspect ratio all the way to 17" wide screen 16x9 ratio. Choosing a screen size is personal preference. While the wider screens do give you more space to work on they do make the laptop larger and bulkier which may not be an asset if you have to carry it with you all the time.

As with any computer, hardware is a very important factor when choosing a laptop. Just because the laptop is small doesn't mean you can't have faster processors and lots of ram. Some laptops even have dedicated video cards to take advantage of higher graphics processing rates. In today's video world graphics processing is more important them it was even a few years ago.

Most all laptops today come with wifi cards to connect wirelessly to a satellite, home router or other wireless network. You should still make sure the laptop includes an ethernet port for those times when you must connect using a wired connection.

Optical drive;
Some of the very small laptops do not have internal DVD or CD drives because of space requirements. With these small computers you need to buy and carry an external usb DVD or CD drive. Having a built in optical drive is probably worth a little more weight and size.

Don't buy a laptop based solely on the installed software. Any software can be added at any time to most any operating system. You need to ask yourself what software your really going to be using. Extra software only uses up system resources.

The best way to purchase a laptop computer is to go to a store that has many different models on display. Comparing them is easier if you can see exactly what your buying.
-CeNaTioN- 2010/11/15 18:39
Nice info
Marlou 2010/11/15 23:37
Helpful buy a new laptop. Thanks for sharing.
Someone 2010/11/16 10:53
Good topic, very helpful for those who want to buy new Laptop
_dreamprince_ 2010/11/17 05:14
Nice helpful info
William 2010/11/19 16:41
Thank u
tijani1 2010/11/28 07:10
Thankz guy,kip it up
jay6600 2010/12/19 19:20
some theese netbooks quite impressive and with no dvd drive aint a issue external usb 1 inexpensive now,the lack of drive is also help give super battery runtime
Aisgapsbetty 2010/12/24 19:00
Beta infomation,he/she who are concerned.Keep it UP.
Password 2011/01/18 04:14
Yup.. well i have a Satellite toshiba A660 and its a monster machine i recommend it has Blu-ray Disc Player, USB 3.0 etc... i used to have a MaBook pro nd man the mac OS is incredible the only complain i have for my toshiba is... the fkin win7... no XP drivers support... hey nice info thnx

InternetLord 2011/01/18 23:02
nice topic or menu on laptop
SNELL126 2011/08/17 14:05
_ToM-CrUisE_ 2011/08/21 17:53
nice topic dude
Muwale 2011/08/22 06:43
Tanx alot.
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