THE MOON by Laketempest 2010/11/15 10:51
The Moon has been called by a few different names throughout history. The Romans knew it as Luna while the Greeks called it Artemis. It is the brightest object in the sky and is the only satellite Earth has. Distance from the center of Earth to the center of the Moon is 238,897 long space miles, but that is changing.

Because the Moon is close to the Earth, its orbiting the Earth has a direct affect on tides and in turn our weather. The gravitational pull of the Moon causes atmospheric tides, a wave that propagates throughout the atmosphere. The pull of the Moon bulges water from the ocean, out and away from the earth's surface, towards the Moon. The pull on the other side of the Earth, opposite the Moon is not as strong so the water depresses. This constant push and pull by the Moon as it moves around Earth raises and lowers the tide.

Every 27 days the Moon orbits the Earth and changes the angle that the Earth, the Moon and the Sun rotate on. These are called Moon Phases; there are 8 phases total. The phases of the Moon are relative to the positions of the Moon and Sun. A New Moon occurs when the Sun and Moon are close to each other in the sky. When the Sun and Moon are at opposite positions a Full Moon is the result. When the Sun and Moon are around 90 degrees apart they form what we know as the first and last quarter phases.

The Moon rotates on its own tilted axis once in almost the same amount of time it takes to travel around the planet Earth. The Earth rotates faster than the Moon moves in its orbit so that they are not equally aligned twice a day. This misalignment has caused Earth's rotation to slow in minute measures and the Moon's rotation to speed up.

The Moon is moving 1 and a half inches every year away from planet Earth. When it has moved another 14,600 miles we will no longer have the privilege to see a total eclipse. The Moon will be too far in space to completely eclipse the Sun. Eventually the distance between Earth and the Moon will be so great that the gravitational pull on Earth's tides will be insignificant.

Scientists estimate, at the rate of speed the Moon is moving it will be another 500 million years before it is that far away from Earth. We don't really know what things Earth will endure as a result in tidal changes in the future. What we do know is that is that the planets are changing, Earth is changing and humans will be around to see it happen.
Zaphara 2010/11/15 10:59
/smiley very knowledgable topic/smiley keep
Marlou 2010/11/15 12:50
Great work! It refresh my college subject./smiley
STAIN 2010/11/24 15:16
Men you rock. /smiley infor.
X-Rated 2010/11/29 16:05
Gr8 work /smiley
rickjay 2010/12/03 14:30
that's nice...
Soul.papa 2010/12/03 19:55
wow dats good.
Hareesh 2013/06/27 02:52
Gud job. . . /smiley
The_Torpid 2013/06/28 11:56
I have heard that Moon Sometimes Make People Lunatic.Is that true??And Britishers Use the word lunar for that reason?? /smiley /smiley
Amit27 2013/07/23 02:23
Quote: X-Rated: Gr8 work /smiley
Moon is white and beutyful

Amit27 2013/07/23 02:26
Quote: Amit27: Moon is white and beutyful
[quote=Amit27]Moon is wife of SUN

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