Lil Things you Do ....Vodafone by chocolate.boy 2010/11/12 20:08
The little things you do for me and nobody makes me feel good...
The little things you do for me... making me smile and no one else could...
Thats why I like to sit next to you and listen to your mad stories...
I know they are not true and I like that we share a secret or two together...
shacc 2010/11/12 21:54
Short and Nice
Marlou 2010/11/13 11:08
Yeah, so short and n0 ch0rus but nice lyric.
KiNg_SouL 2010/11/14 23:48
Nice song there
SAFDAR 2013/09/16 07:47
nice dedication
#53 Creative Work
Poetry, stories, lyrics, quotes, life lessons and more. Prepare to be moved and inspired.