Underground #vs# HNIC7 by
bLaCk_LiSt3d 2010/11/12 12:30
*1day limit
*2verses each
*150+ will b awarded
*Shaev7,N3IGHTOR,bLaCk_LiSted & Resphanto.
Start Slaughterin..
HNIC7 2010/11/17 09:55
Nigga am nt waitn 4any SOUL 2spit 1st am jus comin er 2eat n GO/you phukin SOUL is bout 2b depated in ds tourney so say ya las praya BRO/jus in ~INTRO~ 2begin wt i hit u wt EPILEPTIC DISEASE/my flows cums wt ~NITRO~burn u skin ripdout wt u ANTIHELIX FREEZES/am nt jus a rapper am 'KILLA' wt knifes on my MOUTH/u nt gona survive dis battle amma 'DRIL YA' heart serve da blood in a resturant mixd up wt STOUT/im nt a bein,i hit u wt a *BOLIDE*n u whole life becomes LOCO BITCH/im reactant formed wt -CHLORIDE- mixd w 'H' nigga i turn u skin 2plastic cuz am highly COROSIVE/u cnt even luk @ me da ~RADIANT ENERGY~ i hit u wt da BOLOMETER/i kill quicker dan u tot ~WATER ENERGY~cuz urz is jus HYDROMETER/am nt gona gv u a ~BREATH SPACE~ u gona die juz by 1 BOLO/u c dis shxt nigga cal it ~NET RACE~am alws wlkin wt my BOLO/dnt fink its same shxt u nid go visit ya DICK^TIONARY(DICTIONARY)/if ya fink u da gee cuz u hit rickosi aw shxt letz do it in science FICT^IONARY/ya wana heard dis ^CART^transformin u 2 CAT/al ya wil b doin in ds ^RAP^is running lyka RAT/its a race u wana cum chump its ^CORSO^i squeeze ya neck invisbly call me da LOST~SOUL/lyk am in da ^CHURCH POLE^i stab u wt a ^snooker stick^ n remov ur NUTS~HOE/i set down da rail track 2 DETRAIN/u num sh.t cuz by shaev,u alrdy bin DEFAMED/nw c dis puppie rap dawg(dog) havn a DEVIATE/u nt even comin beta quick u undergoing DETERIORATION/clik-clik *boom* 3,2,1,0 wait 4my DETONATION/nigga wen am don wt u,u change u nick frm 'UNDERGROUND' 2 WONDERER luk @dis hoe lukin lyk CYCLONE^HIT^HIM/u jus cnt stnd dis punches,flows juz 4me 2snd it n say: TYPHOON^WHEEP^HIM/im known as da HEAD NIGGA IN CHARGE u cn call me FIRST NIGA TO DIE bt in dis crime,u'l b d FIRST NIGA TO B CHARGE... Wen i gass(fart) so poisonous n CHOKE^YA^TO DEATH/evry strand of my hair,so lng gona ROPE^YA ^TO DEATH/lemme liv dis stage nw so dis nigga u tak da mic home 2 practise DOPE^RHYME^WITH HIS DECK(DICK)/
Hommie holla ya sh.t...
Underground 2010/11/17 13:05
Dont wet yo pants you pussy! The battle has just started!
Underground 2010/11/17 14:17
The Underground Hip-Hop MaSTER is the realest FreeStYLe MonSTER
PuNCH yo ass with PuNCH-Lines that fuck you up more than your PASToR
F%*k your moTHER and DauGhTER theyll be calling me the love DoCTER
i RUN Dis 2wap-rap shxt and though I aint RUN-DMC I know I RUN-Dis-EMCee
U should RAN on sight of this lyrical assassin coz am HeLL-Bent to killing all whack EMCees
Battlin me with yo weak ass skillz is like an angel going to hell for an ADVENTURE
So dont VENTURE on a battle with a rapper of my lyrical STATURE coz my punches are gonna leave you desperate for a lyrical DENTURE
Dont be caught on the RAPTURE when my lyrics PUNCTURE your body like that guy in the spiritual SCRIPTURE
My murderous lyrics leave you more bloody than a scissors in the hands of a MANIAC HAEmoPHiLiAC
You LACK the defence of my lyrical ATTACK so PACK more STACK of your shxtty COME-BACK lyrics and prepare for lyrical SHARK_ATTACK
I leave you seeing PiTCH-BLACK when I pull a punchline coz I never BACK-TRACK from a wanna be rap emcee QUACK
Am the only African hip-hop NINJA,but dont get excited my broda I dont hail from NAIJA
Your flow sounds like a GLITCH while mine comes so RICH they cause your body to TWITCH
You aint half way on my level BITCH and even if you SNITCH am still embedded in this hip-hop NICHe
I kick you down METHODICALLY with lyrics that murder you PSYCHOLOGICALLY coz thats how I flow LOGICALLY
The ECOLOGY of my lyrical BIOLOGY is to murder you with the elements of hip-hop TECHNOLOGY without any APOLOGY
Now let me see how you will recover from this lyrical SYMPHONY with your PHONY techniques that are as flat as your FANNY(ass)
klm 2010/11/17 18:14
Wow. . .hot. . .
HNIC7 2010/11/17 21:27
Nah... Dats more to c frm UNDERGROUND^c y i cal u da WONDERER^dos shxt u cald punchlinez lack skils SUNDERLAND^cuz league ain ment 4such CLUBs/dey wack n tasteles no seasonin no SOURCE/u death is gona be mur dan christ JESUS/4gv me Lord but dis Underground s bout 2b naild on d CROSS/wt an 84inch nail on ya head oh shxt luk @em blood GUSH/dis sh.t by u vas was juz mere BUGS/flyin wtout aim got trappd by NIGHT^SPIDAZ/am cut out frm BTNH krayzie hitin sick lyk KNIGHT^RIDUZ/u as foolish as da PAWN u muv a step n get kill wt da 'L' move by KNIGHT^RIDAZ/my name is insane so dnt change da game jus ta make up ur fame learn frm da flows cuz
my flows tighter,faster dan GHOST RIDA/produces smoke frm lighter,CHOKES FASTER/
dis niga didn't tel us he own a CHURCH teln me abt my PASTOR/bulshxt i'll make u use da CLUTCH n phuk da hole of my GLASSCUP/dis a ~disaster~lyrical cuz u dropd sh.t whacka da PRECIOUS/its so bad nw cuz u'l die wt ~plaster~of paris on ya dick n ima make it OBVIOUS/u dnt wana phuak wt me da rap PSYCHOSIS/am nt wel @ all 1 word leavs u wt PSILOSIS/i dnt eat food,i feed on particles frm human,my flows cut n slits ur throat wt da PROPELLA/i sing wt out beat u kno wat dat means frm u child birth u got infectd wt RUBELLA/dis zone ain urz anymore,nw evry nigga is playn RUDE/u only here 2play lyk a high skul DUDE/sh.t dat sucks,i phil lyk 2PUKE/my MAMA ain got nufin 2do wt ds DRAMA/hoe akt LYKA gangster n face my lyrical TRAUMA/i put u ina FEEDER n throw u in a WARMER/i stil b da HEAD NIGGA IN CHARGE here nt even u cn stop ma HALA/u a NINJA wt out sword den hw u gona FIGHT?/yea im frm NAIJA lets c who rule over da SITE/its GAME OVER bitch SURRENDER/cuz u'v bin defeated by da rap DESCENDER/what u gona spit in yo nxt vas,mayb LETS PRETENDER/lyk rickosi did homie u 2smal 4me n too TENDER/u've juz bin blended by a BLENDER/so lets end dis sh.t bro,2da beginin n take ya filthy nasty ass back 2ya CHURCH MEMEBER/den say:da ARCH ANGELS,BE MY DEFENDER!/
hah. HNIC REP!
Underground 2010/11/18 06:07
Funny how you takin this battle as of EPIC proportion, how PATHETIC coz me battling your weak ass seems IDIOTIC and a little kinda MORONIC
My lyrics come so FRANTIC filled with punchlines so BARBARIC burning yo ass with ACIDIC RHyMes bitch am more cold hearted than weather in the ARCTIC
You cant DECIPHER my CYPHER coz I spit my lyrics SOLOMONIC, guess what muthafuka, my lyrical talent is COSMIC
I spit CLASSIC flows that wipe off weak ass emcees like you like weeds sprayed with ARSENIC
Cant fly like a butterfly, but surely sTiNG yo ass like a Bee BOY, plus yall know that am tha illest B-BOY
You dont qualify as my BELLBOY coz youre a KILLJOY you can only be my PLOWBOY you fuckin SCHOOLBOY
Your skills are below PAR in this lyrical SPAR while am considered a STAR and the only crowned lyrical TZAR
Said you eat human particles?! No wonder you sound like SHIT coz thats all you seem to eat before you SPIT
Tryning too hard to flow with such shxt as "dis a ~disaster~lyrical cuz u dropd sh.t whacka da PRECIOUS" no wonder you punches dont HIT coz what you spit don mean SHIT BITCH
Droppin such weak LINES as RHYMES should be considered as CRYME
You act more PARANOID than a DRAMMA-QUEEN who is also a DRAG-QUEEN you gay MotHERFuCKER
Stupid retarded MONGOLOID, you trying too hard to SUCK at rap but thats just because youre a talented CoCK-SuCKER
My lyrics TRANSCEND your empty dome as my lyrics DISTEND when I spit flows that you cant COMPREHEND
Aint no more in power but you still cant CONTEND my lyrical BLEND with your game of PRETEND and your time MISSPEND
I INTEND to whop ya ass with punchlines that leave your head FUCKED-UP
Youve been LyRIcaLLy MOLEstED the best you can do is BACK-UP and SHUT-UP
PICK-UP the little dignity you got LeFT before I pull a LEFT punch on your face that will leave you BANGED-UP
HANG-UP your mic as i TOUCH-UP my punchlines coz when am done bitch you wont be able to CATCH-UP
I can notice the ANGER in you getting STRONGER coz your HUNGER for success in 2wap-rap has been crushed leaving you to dry on a HANGER
Youre like a rap battle virgin, in this battle field youre a STRANGER, next time you wanna battle me use my rap blue print, maybe it will make you just a little bit STRONGER.
Shaev7 2010/11/18 07:35
Let me go by the judge trend...
A hot battle there,real sh.t by both mcees! Ok lets c who got shaev's vote!
first verse, HNIC7:
punchlines: tha bom,xcellent
flows: few but nice n hard
meta4s/similez: hard sh.t there,xcellent.
wordplay: just 1 or 2 n were hard, best
nameplay: not 2much as i xpetd bt ok.
Multies: whoo0,nice one there. Good
personalz: non.
Lets check
punchlines: xcellent too.
Flows: tight as well,good
Meta4s/similez: Hard on da mic. Gud.
Wordplay: non
Nameplay: non.
MUlties: just few,ok!
personalz: jus 1line,n nt gud.
Ok, rollin 2nd verse of,
punchlines: came tighte/harder,superb!
Flows: yeah,spot 2 ws meta4d.
Meta4s/similez: kept d same pace,better.
Nameplay: ok. Bt weak!
Wordplay: non
Multies: ok n nice.
personalz: NON.
Rollin to,
punchlines: were nt strng 4me,wer weak!
Flows: non as such.
Metais/similez: nice n hard.
Multies: Not much,ok!
Nameplay: non
Wordplay: non.
personalz: non.
His 1st n 2nd verz wer hard n kept strikin.
Underground,cudnt hold it n takle him @ 2nd,bt da 1st was kinda tied.
So HNIC knockd him out with d 2nd verz! Strong battle. Kip it up man.
Long judge by me. .lol.
bLaCk_LiSt3d 2010/11/18 08:00
ok,ill battle from both..now we talking murder style..4me hnic n undrg 1st verse was a tie..but the second one i see sum ill bars from hnic...n 2nd verse undrg was not up to the level as hnic 2nd verse n not even near his own 1st verse..so i think undrg lost his momentum there n killed himself..
So i go 4 hnic7
Resphanto 2010/11/18 10:16
There 1st Verses was at d state of equillibrum.but d second verse HNIC7 had a greater edge over Underground.i really em both at dere first verses.but truely in accordance to wat List3d and Shaev said Underground was weak in his second verse.but dey both did a very great job.
Ma vote go to HNIC7
Shaev7 2010/11/18 10:27
Ok man, no need to wait for tha last vote by neightor.
credit 2both mcees!
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Rap BattleZ
Engage in lyrical battles with other 2wap rappers. Not for the easily-offended.