rickosi4eva_Dwizzard *vs* Eleto by Resphanto2010/11/11 13:36 The Rulez
Verses 2 each(1 Post=1 Verse)
48 Hours(2 Days Limit)
pRIZE:100+ to the winner....
JUDGES:Black_List3d,Shaev7 and Resphanto
pls no interference by anybody until after the Battle.
Alright Lets Spill Blood!
Eleto2010/11/12 01:34 Flex kidda 4rm da jungle-we crack heads we manuate and c0laborate-we make the crowd to jubilate-concentrate-i proper display creativity-wow when i speak it- i mean it-so u dnt 4uk with it- mechanics do anything mechanical-scientist do anything scientifical-m0st physical and able-so climb a table-but u see n0 changes-all u see is race-and faces-because u are living from grace to grass-dats why when i rap in can0py-onye obula ti aka n0bi.
Its a rap u'all
rickosi4eva_Dwizzard2010/11/12 08:59 'it a rapp u'all?' hahahaha dnt knw why '00lz' dnt knw wat 'em shud dat waz a c0wz M00Z wit ya gadDamN big bull'z h3ad I w0unda wat it C0ntainz mayB a Map t0 stupiditY. Ya dnt spit c0x I gat ya mouth Glu3d ya dnt say L0ud c0x I gat ya ass sU3D & YA mouth sinkz lik3 a Ratz-FLUe & Whil3 am the rapPG0D DUDE! N0W 4 YA D3STRUCTI0N I c0m3 up wit ma skilz r3ligati0n I call it ya D3reliGati0n/dr0pin rhymez like Artifical inserMInati0n /layin on ya h3ad stupidiTY 2 gr0w/ dnt wann bank wit u c0x u ricH wiT p0verty while m3 ricH wit ma amITY & am glad it givez ya max. INSANITY/ I kill u c0x ma H0T VERSEZ MAkez ya Pull ya smellin Dr3ssez u'r3 a Glut0n to ma RapP fl0wz datz h0w ma Rapp Gl0wz ma rappz sit a Talk t0 ya lik3 ya G0D FATHER s00 dnt Bite '3m! I dnt sell rapp fl0wz I orgag sh0wz I DNT SELL LYRICAL IT3MZ YA NAM3 elet0 am g0nn wwe smack ya like CALIT0 YA amigo/ u dnt knw wat ya knw. AM THA D3SIGNATED EAGLE, I LET THA REST KNOW, AM dah religat0r/teeth sharp3r dan an AlliGAT0R/ma rapp fl0wz just like am a g3nerat0r/am tha Mind-s0ulz 3mancipat0r/'d r0tor's pist0n c0x nw I gat ya baby-gal tripping/and gat ya pissing u sink like a bed-bug/bt amma g0nn stink ya 2 get ya HEAD BLOCK C0X AM THA KEY-L0CK TALKed abt chemistry, I ch3mically c0mbust & SPIT flowz like ARG0N c0x amma tha thresh-h0ld drAG0N -drag- riding 0n ya U EMPTY CART0N!
Mechanical am DIABOLICAlly Radical ma skilz 're ma tactise c0x u cant CraCK THIZ! I gat s0m technicz 4rm tha chINEEZ dat makz u sneeze 'RICKO, U DAH BEesSST!! I get u ubssed wen I tell u ting u tink I dnt knw like u gat a bald-head being ya fathaz 1st s0n. I mit3 nt be tha 1st s0n, bt am DAH BEST BORN C0X I r0ast a Like C0rn as 4 ya asz Am g0nn let it burn! Til u r3alize wh0 jst G0n3!
rickosi4eva_Dwizzard2010/11/12 20:06 I am ya moderm/ ya modern problem Dah big-G that ya big ya CON-gee dnt scream jesus cox amma trim ya life wit ma lyrical scissorz/amma religate ya life to an unmerited gradulation/gradually spitting/gradually u sicking/u aint dreamin thz reality with dah wizzard condemning ya sanity/ eleto /I want ya tearz/I shock ya fearZ/ am an Electro/Itz apity u dnt know wat u knw u shud knw/now ma flowz is a love song/so sing along so/I kik it like alonSo/I knw so/u flow low/& wen I flow u dnt show/ Thz aint fictiOn thz is Hip-Hop Addiction/multipling by addition/disserminating & desipating ya by EVIction/u are a victim I alwaz remain tha Victor/u get rapp freed wen u say ma creed/or dis-allowng ma Greed I bless u wit a why Mygrain. gat nothing 4 ya...
rick0si43va&3va -skull1- dnt 3va say n3va... -glit-
Shaev72010/11/14 16:54 Time is up, Rickosi winz by rulez