Askari ^vs^ Resphanto by
bLaCk_LiSt3d 2010/11/11 07:58
limit ' 2days /48 hours
verses ' 2 each
judges ' shaev,undg,hnic
prize ' 100 2wap currency
No mercy,erridicate ur opponent
Askari 2010/11/12 09:56
Ah Ha....R3SPHANTO u littl3 TADPOL3
u can call m3 a T3RRORIST/,cos i hav a bomb tim3r on ma WRIST/ma rhym3s ar TWIST/murd3rfuck3r u knw dat am FIT/cos hav got ya nam3 right on ma d3ath LIST/but dis jst d tim3 to blow off ya TEETH/so 3asy,cl3an and N3AT/
bitch ass,i spit ma ill rhym3s on ma own BARS/dis time i'll play ma track and d3af3n ya 3ars wit da BASS/and d GOD of MARS/cos ama MURD u wit all ma V3RS3/
nigga ama FLOW/r3al SLOW/cos am a light dat GLOW/let me show u nigga how i GROW n ROLL/in 2WAP RAP ROW/
3vryfin 'bout u is v3ry BAD/cos m3think u ar fuckin MAD/ya WIF3 is D3AD,so liv3 ya LIF3 as a SOLE DAD/
ma lil HOMMY com3 on h3r3 and sit down l3ts play CARD/u dnt fuck wit me DUMMY,or i g3t u DISCARD/
lay ya ASS/up w3n i PASS/cos dis fings has happ3n3d in da PAST/and som3tim3s i ask m3 s3lf "will dis nigga (R3SPHANTO) 3v3r LAST/cos ama hav u CAPTUR3D n TORTUR3D on ma BOAT/and us3 ma knif3 to PUNCTUR3 ya THROAT/ama ti3 u wit WIR3/put u on a PYR3/and burn u wit TYR3/
am so NOTORIOUS/i'll burst yr CURIOUS/fac3 wit VICIOUS n FURIOUS/sprays of ma M16 ROUNDS/wit da SOUNDS/goin RATATATA/which mak3s u run H3LT3R SK3LT3R/lik3 da Nig3rian childr3n playin WAR SCATT3R/
Da Arrogant Militant
Resphanto 2010/11/12 15:07
man spit evrything u gat to SAY/cos wen i RETURN/u aint gonnabe beggin to STAY/wen u see me dnt even try to RUN/or HIDE/cos am so WILD/i have ma EYEZ/all over d SKY/like STARS/
yr brain is so NUMB/u can barely talk cos u re damn DUMB/Nigga u had better keep yr HEAD LOW/cos ma nocturnal VISIT/will make yr HEAD ROLL/u fuckin NIT-WIT/2WAP knows dat i hav got a real KNACK/for KILLIN/niggas like u and make u feel SMACKED/after yr blood SPILLIN/
MURDAFUCKER.....i hav walked through d VALLEY/of shadow of DEATH/nigga amma slay u up and u'll REALLY/REGRET/
fucker u re just tryin to be HOT/but u re fuckin NOT/so y dnt u just keep yr fuckin mouth SHUT/or i SHUT it wif ma glock,u fuckin IDIOT/
u cant even RAP/or RHYME/....ASKARI i wonder wat u re doin in 2WAP/at dis TIME/i dnt battleugly people like u cos u gat a lot to loose,yr life is nofin but a catalogue of DISASTER/but am d MASTER/so y not find yr way FORWARD/u fuckin COWARD/
Resphanto 2010/11/12 15:46
2WAP has GIVIN RESTRICTION/know wam sayin,cos am WAITING for yr EVICTION/nigga RESY aint sleepin cos i hav got ma FINGER/crossed on ma TRIGGER/
u so called MILITANT/u re just too IGNORANT/amma arrange ma PLATOON/to give u ORIENTATION/send u to d cinema to watch CARTOON/before yr REDEMPTION/
ma EYEZ is like d traffic DIRECTIN?planes wif POD/not note it READIN/STOP(RED)aint SEEIN anyfin but BLOOD/nigga its time to slay u UP/
yr fuckin name is ASKARI/d lunatic nigga SAFARI/its a pity dat amma kill u and not feel SORRY/
ma rhymes re so FAT/lil kid u got no game cos amma blow u in d HEART/ma rhymes sounds HEAVILY/in yr ears so CACOPHONY/but amma force u to dance UNWILLIN/like its a nice HARMONY/..SSssshhhh...i wont tell anybody that u fucked yr GRANNY/u HORNY/SCALLYWAG/wit TAG/
i spit ma rhymes to yr face like ACID/i train yr breed cos u re lyrically STUPID/ma footstep on d sands of TIME makes an ELEPHANT FLY/but ma RHYME makes u IGNORANT MILITANT DIE/
u cant COMPREHEND/ma CHARISMA/its so much of an ENIGMA/if u fink am yr FRIEND/then u've been thrown into a perfect DISMAL/u hav yr LIFE to DEFEND cos yr WIFE is livin wif a bad STIGMA/
nigga open yr eyez and ZOOM/cos u re 'bout to meet yr DOOM/in rap zone am d number ONE/representin d niggas dat kill for FUN/
fuck u PESSANT MILLITANT/who work so hard like an ELEPHANT/and eat like an ANT/cos amma show u dat ma guns re so ELEGANT/u sound like CHINESE/wen poundin(fuckin) yr NIECE/
u re a cause and a DISGRACE/to this RACE/d condition in yr state(NIGER-DELTA)is so bad dat it has DEFLATTED/yr ECONOMY/and has also AFFECTED/both yr brain n body ANATOMY/yr sate aint gat job so ASKARI y nt u leave yr PITY PARTY/and work here in 2WAP with SMARTY/
Shaev7 2010/11/14 16:49
Times up.. Ressy winz by rulez!
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