Aboriginal Dreamtime by EloraM23 2010/11/11 02:46
Like most 'discovered' countries, Australia had already been discovered by its original inhabitants - the Aborigines. Small nomadic tribes with many languages and ideas roamed the vast plains.

Much of Oz mythology is to do with Dreaming and the DREAMTIME, a wonderful Golden Age in the remote past when Gods were real Gods and anything was possible.

Relying on memory and scratched images, Australian mythology is seemingly fragile, but in many instances in this very dry atmosphere it's amazingly durable. Many of the dreams were trampled on by European invasion, but fortunately there has always been a strong oral tradition, and the legends of the Outback may be making a Comeback.
EloraM23 2010/11/11 02:46
Also known as WONDJINA

WANDJINA: A set of all-powerful and very intriguing Creation Gods.

WALLUNGUNDER, the big boss WANDJINA, came down from the Milky Way during DREAMTIME and created the earth and all its inhabitants. Then he took one look at those inhabitants and headed back home for reinforcements. This was going to be a tricky job.

With the aid of the DREAMTIME-SNAKE, the WANDJINA descended and spent their DREAMTIME creating, teaching and being God-like to the natives. These Gods from the Milky Way were so powerful that they didn't need to speak. So they didn't bother to have mouths.

They were definite good guys, and are still worshipped and respected Top Gods to this day. (And how many deities can still say that?) Eye-witness reports are thin on the ground, but many ancient cave paintings still exist and show eerie creatures with large heads, huge black eyes and suspiciously spacesuit-like garments. In fact, they look just like Grey aliens from modern U.F.O. abduction scenarios.

Strangely enough, in 1838, a sea captain discovered an amazing treasure trove of Aboriginal artistry, filled with primitive and powerful WANDJINA cave pictures. His name was Captain Grey. Coincidence??? We can't tell you because the Kimberley tribes are very close-mouthed, just like their WANDJINA

EloraM23 2010/11/11 02:47
Also known as ALMUDJ, KALSERU

RAINBOW-SNAKE: The Great Creator Serpent, in charge of Fertility, Growth and Refreshing Rain.

The RAINBOW-SNAKE is a bit of a mish-mash, with a kangaroo's head, a crocodile's tail and a python's body, all decorated with water lilies and waving tendrils.

The Snake has many names and comes in male and female form. YINGARNA, the female, is the original Mother of Creation, and her son NGALYOD is the Great Transformer of Land. Family portraits go back 8,000 years, which makes the Rainbow Snake one of the oldest religious symbols. And it's still going strong today.

EloraM23 2010/11/11 02:47
ADNOARTINA: The Lizard of ULURU, otherwise known as Ayer's Rock.

To be honest, we're not sure which particular lizard he is. There seems to be quite a few of them. See ULURU.

EloraM23 2010/11/11 02:48
ULURU: Aborigine name for Ayers Rock, one of the world's largest, reddest, and most beautiful monoliths — and the ancestral site of primeval DREAMTIME.

Legions of legends and multitudes of myths emanate from here. Unfortunately, most of these are top secret and can only be divulged to members of the appropriate tribe. More information will be supplied on a need-to-know basis only.

However, we can reveal that ULURU is 318 metres high, 8 kilometres in circumference, and is host to a surprising amount of lizards. See ADNOARTINA, LUNGKATA,TATJI.

EloraM23 2010/11/11 02:48
ALTJIRA: God of the DREAMTIME. Depicted as having emu's feet, for no reason we can fathom.

ALTJIRA created the Earth and supplied all the gear humans need, then retired without leaving instructions.

EloraM23 2010/11/11 02:49
DREAMTIME: The original Aboriginal DREAMTIME, overseen by the God ALTJIRA.

This was when the ancient spirits of all tribes walked the Earth in a state of profound dreaminess.

Now they all sleep underground, but shamans and other interested parties can still communicate with the Dreamtime past if they enhale the right substances.

EloraM23 2010/11/11 02:49
ALCHERA: Not a God, but the primordial timeless dream that existed before the world.

This is very important to Australian Mythology. See DREAMTIME.

EloraM23 2010/11/11 02:50
Also known as EINGANU

EINGANA: Snake Goddess of primordial DREAMTIME, and the mother of humanity and all water animals.

Initially she had a lot of trouble giving birth, not having the relevant aperture. This was rectified by another deity, who obliged with a spear in the appropriate place.

Since then, creatures and humanity both great and small have issued forth. But EINGANA keeps hold of the mystical umbilical cord, attached to every living thing. If she cuts the cord, the creature dies.

And if she herself should die, everything would cease to exist. This worries us. Who's holding her umbilical cord then?

EloraM23 2010/11/11 02:50
Also known as BIAME

BAIAME: A good all-round Creator Sky God.

He believes in controlling things and in the beginning taught humans how everything works.

His weather forecasting, hunting and fishing classes were very popular, particularly with the shamans. And the stone fish trap he invented came in very useful.

He was also the father of DARAMULUM with his wife BIRRAHGNOOLOO.

EloraM23 2010/11/11 02:51
LUNGKATA: Dirty cheating Lizard Man of Ayer's Rock. He had a blue tongue and a sneaky stealing temperament.

Together with fellow lizard creature MITA, he used to lie in wait for hunters and steal their prey, being too much of a lazy lizard to go hunting himself.

One day, the BELL-BIRD-BROTHERS were chasing an emu (which was something of a national sport at the time) and the two blue-tongued lizards diverted it into their lair. When the hunters turned up, out of breath and starving, LUNGKATA and MITA had scoffed the lot and could only offer emu left-overs.

The BELL-BIRD-BROTHERS were outraged at this thievery and set fire to the lair. The lizards, not being used to exercise, were unable to escape and turned into burnt boulders which stand there to this day. Which just goes to show that you shouldn't trust anyone with a blue

EloraM23 2010/11/11 02:51

DARAMULUM: A general purpose All-Father Sky God.

If in doubt, All-Father's about. He looks after the weather, protects shamans and lives in the moon.

Pictures of him are only to be looked at during initiation rites. For some reason, one of his legs appears to be missing. If found, please return to the Lunar Lost Leggage department.

His father is BAIAME but we are still none the wiser.

EloraM23 2010/11/11 02:52
BIRRAHGNOOLOO: Goddess of Fertility and Floods. Also mother of DARAMULUM by BAIAME.

If you ever need a flood, just ask BIRRAHGNOOLOO. She may even give you a new loo. With enhanced flush flood facility.

EloraM23 2010/11/11 02:53
Also known as WALAGANDA

WALLUNGUNDER: The enterprising Big Chief of the WANDJINA Gods Consortium.

He is now employed full-time as Executive Director of the Milky Way Galaxy, Inc.

EloraM23 2010/11/11 02:54
DREAMTIME-SNAKE: Not to be confused with the RAINBOW-SNAKE, this is the official title of Mother Goddess EINGANA.

Fluxion 2011/02/07 14:20
hmmmmmm i see
_ShAnE_StArK_ 2015/05/15 09:11
detrimentum 2015/06/17 23:29
this was an awesome read.
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