ceejay __V.S__ Toby555 by bLaCk_LiSt3d 2010/11/09 13:42
2versus each.
Time limit :2days ,
Judge :shaev,unda,me
Prize :100+

Start da blood spill..!
STAIN 2010/11/09 16:19
Where is the stuff/smiley
Toby555 2010/11/09 16:26
Yo,cee,it's da blast of xplosion u gon' c nxt...go seek shelta! You first!

Toby555 2010/11/10 01:56
...ceejay ain't down yet...
Come on...y'all...let's bounce...
I bReaK InTo rhYmeS LYk da crACk o' a thUNDa/sPItTIN fLooOWs sO qUIck... LYk ma MAn,TwiSTA/whEN I swAggA OutTA MA hUMMa,deM PAParaZIS GAthA/bItchES H'lla,callINg me bIG PoPPa/hOmmIES ChANtiN MA naME -T . o . B . y/fEels gooD...cuZ I Gat fAMe da_aiNT GOn diE/ceE-piLE,I tOt i gat BUstED U IN 2OO9/waT U LooKIng for...gO DIve in RivER nILE/or gET BuNDled sTraiGHT baCK 2 hAWai/2 Rot in jAIL 4 CommITIN LyriCAl cRIMe/am DA RaP BOsS/dARk 'n HeaVY LYK RiCk rOsS/so bATTle reADy lyka stALLioN horSE/pause,u gat 1 choiCE/gRAb a bikE/taKE A hiKE/whYLE i VIbrate evER MORe oN DA MIC.

Toby555 2010/11/10 04:40
Yo,cee,dnt knw how dope u r...dat's y i dropped it small and easy 4 ya to tackle...dnt xpect it dis simple anoda tym if ur able 2 beat dis,dawg!
Ceejay 2010/11/11 00:09
This nigguh want me first like he got good reversal/

im the typ that you go REHEARSE FOR/

spit flow that make you ROAM with the SHARKS/

you could get hit like a SONG on THE CHARTS/

got guts nigguh im SPOOKED YOU CAME/

rip yo flesh off yo bones you stil LOOK the SAME/

yo lyrics round like auditions for FREE HATING/

bet u wudnt kil it if u was a FREE MASON/

i murder JASON and eat wats left of FREDDIE/

you an artificial gansta ed, edd n EDDIE/

get fuckd tp and BOOED no JERRY SPRINGER/

get your mama in the MOOD for EVERY FINGER/

thats your best shot tryna act lyk you fuckn VERSE SOFT/

cant fukn touch me, make like a new boy and JERK OFF...

Shaev7 2010/11/11 18:24
Time Elapse!
My vote goes:

1st of all,didnt xpet dis frm cee. Toby got gud rhymes lyka true hip-hoper.

Analyze: u cnt kil or win a fight wtout makin u oponent bleed(punches) so...

dhat was not gud 4me.
U flows was 2kiddie.
Punches not hard but got punchlines.
No meta4s.
No wordplays
multies non
nameplay non...

Toby: nice one
no punchlines only 2.(specific)not hard
flows not quite much
meta4s mayb 1or2
nameplay no
wordplay no

4me dis was a way wack one,but due 2punches motive by Cee. My vote goes to Ceejay!

Toby555 2010/11/12 00:15
Yo cee...
mA RhYmes so HoT... gon' buRN yA LyK FlAmiN gaS/wAtCH Ya bAck,am CoMIn 2 Put YA bEhinD BArs/LYk d GAme DiCE,Amma sPeeD ALonG and Hit yA tWIce/sIZe UP, u can NEver maTCH up/u lOckE' up...i step up...am buck'd up/it's mA sTory so ShUt da FuCk up/fLip 2 da nxt paGE...ma punCHes fILlIN UP WITouT gUage/it's LYRiCS ON da wAStage/bAtTLE on da hIgh sTAge/ceeJAy,ur FlowS r HOLLow...noTin bETA daN nIcolaS CaGE/raTTle ma Cage...feEl MA raGE...am ENgaged/so FuCK OFf,or get deraNged/ammA SHarp sAMUrAI SWOrd/sPIllIN bLOOd lyk D Rain on a DOWNpour/cEE,waT U DOwn for/bitCHEs suCK ur cocK ANd MAke ya waN' MoRE/u an' eyeSorE,so uncared for/sorry,ur MAma got ya raiSEd beHIND clOSED DOors/lykA dUMmy dull...mY PUnches GOn' leAVE U LYfLEss as I claIM DA toP SPOT/

Toby555 2010/11/12 00:30
Yo cee...
mA RhYmes so HoT... gon' buRN yA LyK FlAmiN gaS/wAtCH Ya bAck,am CoMIn 2 Put YA bEhinD BArs/LYk da GAme o' DiCE,Amma sPeeD ALonG and Hit yA tWIce/sIZe UP, u can NEver maTCH up/u lOckE' up...i step up...am buck'd up/it's mA sTory so ShUt da FuCk up/fLip 2 da nxt paGE...ma punCHes fILlIN UP WITouT gUage/it's LYRiCS ON da wAStage/bAtTLE on da hIgh sTAge/ceeJAy,ur FlowS r HOLLow...noTin bETA daN nIcolaS CaGE/raTTle ma Cage...feEl MA raGE...am ENgaged/so FuCK OFf,or get deraNged/ammA SHarp sAMUrAI SWOrd/sPIllIN bLOOd lyk D Rain on a DOWNpour/cEE,waT U DOwn for/bitCHEs suCK ur cocK ANd MAke ya waN' MoRE/u an' eyeSorE,so uncared for/sorry,ur MAma got ya dumbed at d back/lykA dUMmy dull...mY PUnches GOn' leAVE U LYfLEss as I climb DA toP SPOT/

Toby555 2010/11/12 02:18
Lyk da fuLL StOP,i eND Ya lYf ANd u bYgONe/amMA rAP doN...Call ME da RAp sUN/ma rAYs bEAm oN YA tIl' i get dOnE/ma MOverS cHasinG YA asS lYK jaMEs BonD/iT's daMN CritiCAL/dat I gET mySTical/am MAgiCal...fLExIBLE...puncheS SO raW...AM invinCIbLE/cEE,run 2 hell,mA BuLLETS',ma DIsSLetS' mA FloWLEts' COmIN...dey so UNstOPpaBLe an' stil' coMIn/i Can see u HIDIn/whERE Ur mAMa's rEsidin/u On ALL fOUrs,cRAwlin lYk litTle pipER sCraWlINgs/i BEt u shxt IN ya STocKINGS/an' wakE DeM NeiGborS AT nitE WHIle u SNorINg/iT's so Borin,FreEstYlin wit YA KinD O' WEakLIN/dAMn uR pUNchES,dey so Old/cAN't eveN TurN ARounD AND rElOAD/ur FLows' SO thIN LYK frEAKIN wheEL sPOKEs/cAse CLOsed...make A bOlT...get LOW...or amma rip off ya cLOTheS an' stAck u in a holE for jaYLO!
Toby555 2010/11/12 02:25
Cee,bring it on...come on!
bLaCk_LiSt3d 2010/11/12 03:50
toby,times up already dude..judge time..
Shaev vote 4 cee,waitin 4 undg to cast hiz vote,

bLaCk_LiSt3d 2010/11/12 13:12
ill judge 1st,cee took diz one evntho both spittin crap..
Resphanto 2010/11/12 16:53
since two votes already goes to CEE


because there are three JUDGES

Shaev7 2010/11/12 16:59
final judge: ceejay winz!
This topic is closed.
#49 Rap BattleZ
Engage in lyrical battles with other 2wap rappers. Not for the easily-offended.