A r rehman collection by dim_star 2010/11/08 20:38
A r rehman collectionz 4r afaaq'z reqst
dim_star 2010/11/08 20:39
A.R. Rahman is the best music dirtor in the world.thz is provd tht he got the oscar awardz.His songz r evergreen and pleasantfull./smiley
dim_star 2010/11/08 20:40
Here is da songs
dim_star 2010/11/08 20:46
My fvt song is....
-Annie- 2010/11/09 01:07
i hvnt heard tht song b4
Mahesh 2010/11/09 02:49
jai ho

Insenus_AmoR 2010/11/09 03:35
Quote: sweet_poison: A r rehman collectionz 4r afaaq'z reqst
thanks bhabhi ji .. /smiley

haris 2010/11/09 04:58
Quote: _WacHword: thanks bhabhi ji .. /smiley
and check her profile/smiley

haris 2010/11/09 08:32
Quote: sweet_poison: My fvt song is....
wow this one is sooo cute/smiley thanks maheen

_GUL_ 2010/11/09 12:07
9ic colection! A R Rehman a legend!
Eternal_Knight 2010/11/09 13:40
lemme add something /smiley pray for me brother by rahman
haris 2010/11/09 14:10
Quote: Krillin9: lemme add something /smiley pray for me brother by rahman
it's already attached by the topic maker. Thanks anyway

Insenus_AmoR 2010/11/09 14:57
Quote: haris: wow this one is sooo cute/smiley thanks maheen
Cant stop myself singing it ever n ever.. /smiley

STAIN 2010/11/09 15:33
Its lovely dear.
dim_star 2010/11/13 19:39
Here is ur tamil song afaaq/smiley
aray /smileyaray aray/smiley

donprecious 2010/11/13 21:07
dnt kno him
donprecious 2010/11/13 21:08
dnt kno his colection
Insenus_AmoR 2010/11/14 03:21
Quote: sweet_poison: Here is ur tamil song afaaq/smiley
aray /smileyaray aray/smiley
its telugu /smiley .. Thanks /smiley

dim_star 2010/11/14 11:07
Quote: _WacHword: its telugu /smiley .. Thanks /smiley
watever/smileydnt say thx /smiley

_ShAnE_StArK_ 2015/04/26 10:06
nice songs
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