Shaev7 #vs# RaW-N-dIaBoLIcAL by
bLaCk_LiSt3d 2010/11/08 02:55
2verses each
2days limit(48hours)
Start the massacre...
Shaev7 2010/11/09 10:21
I dnt know am gona do dis bt its go na b a 2way canibal... My 1st batl sinc d las 3months let me c hw i cn gt ds niga tamed wt my talisma...
Shaev vs RAW i gues ima cal dis a WAR^anyhw it cumz i handl da BRAW/its tym 2knock on ur ^DOOR^ lyk jehova wtness open up or NOT^am stil gona drop d my word of GOD/homie dnt fink of ds,am on a RAP~MISION Check d ~BIBLE~ on KRS1 chapt5:9 on SNEAK ATTACK its HIP-HOP KNOWLEGE/u dnt wana -slap- da ~RAP-BISHOP~dis bars ar ful of broken ^BOTTLES^(LIL WAYNE) we havin a WHIT TRASH 1 dnt fink u evil cuz i SPLIT RAP-ATTACK ur FLIP-FLOP SO WATCH IT/i envy ur LINES u got gud skils bt u cnt detrone da king u gona loose ya LIVE/hommie datz y u were here,now u nt longa here i spit IRONICALY to 2ya ''dis nigga is da best mcee here in da rapzone!''/i told ya earlier so i cn b DIABOLICAL u kno wat dhat means,im just waitin 4ya wackpost/a litle drop of water,makes a mighty ocean/but 4me a high gas wt a lit-match,causes no xplosion/haha...
So neva knew i cud do dis i rule dis jus ta skool dis... Niga hit ME 1nc n get PUNCHD TWICES/nigga starv ME stil i gt LUNCH WT SPICE/my flows cnt b TRANSLATED cuz its gona b hrd 4d judges 2 ANALYZE EM/u gona b ERADICATED so fast jus wt dis vas cuz a CATALYZE EM/i juz dnt wana ^kill^ wt a HIGH VELOCITY/i jus wana ^sting^ wt a HIGH VENOMCITY/bulshxt luk @how am ^killin dis flows^even da mic s dead cuz am ^winnin dis hoes^ sick meta4s sexin lu~CIPHERs DAUGHTER/u neva gona know am fuckn ur BITCH LUCIANAS MOTHER/u a RAP TODLER nigga shaev7 is a TIGER/its a war cal da RAP SOLJA jus gona kil wt da eternity SNIPER/ RaW-n-DIabOliCAL/ i'll turn ur eyes u PUNK-n- u gona be MISanTHROPICAL/its game ova u SLUT-n- neva gona b PHOTOGENICAL!
I still slain rap doh...
STAIN 2010/11/09 16:17
Cool dude
RaW-N-dIaBoLIcAL 2010/11/09 16:38
...oh no! I've bin waitin 4dis pain...[meta gear solid(mgs1)] hurt me more!
Im nt gona HURT no soul cuz i got no power/i'v bin constrictd by d hell-king shxt me falin down da shower/
2faced homie -HITME- its jus our-SELVZ/no 1 knows shxt cuz u -STINK BITCH- even if u SHAEV/now u gona b dusted lyk OLD BOOKS in my SHELF/i c bloods creeping(creeps_n_bloods)down u toes 2ya HEADS/im d niga wt da mysTICK shxt my palmz gat HAIRZ/lyk da PHARISIS did 2peter my words choppd ya EARZ/phuk me if quote shxt rite its jus 2curz u some TEARZ/dis gona b a plain rap clipper 4shavin ur BEARDS/oh shxt shaev or shave bulsh.t shiv ur LEGS/u bout to be trown down frm 2011 stories down d STEARZ/no u, no me, no odas,no FRIENDS/no brodas no family,so who -fucking- CAREZ/am outa hell now datz y my rap ful of DEATH/ya wonda y da -eers,pears fuckit face my rap SPEAR/slittin anyfin slittable whil u b detroned by me n i sit on da CHAIR...
Shit y.......,.. !!!am comin bck 2hell...!!
Shaev7 2010/11/10 09:30
Me judge NO... Caught up wt time...
Ok judges please.
Underground & LiSt3d with resphanto.
bLaCk_LiSt3d 2010/11/10 14:19
Punchlines: see sum good ones at da bottom
Wordplay:didnt see any
Multies: yeah..i see multies xspecially afta u laugh ..good shxt
Meta4z/similez: see sum xcellent ill one's there
Punchlines: ill punchs,but i can see u not spitting ill n sick like u used too.
Flows: good
Wordplay: i think i didnt see any
Personal: none
Multies: didnt see any
Meta4z/similez: u got sum killer there,
So my votes goes to shaev.but am disapointd coz raw cud do it betta..good battle,but if ya both spit 2verses each like the rule says..the battle be far more fun to read n i can judge on so much more aspects dude..
Resphanto 2010/11/10 15:00
Oh sorry am late
Punchlines: xcelent
Multies:classic ones
Flows:real good
Similes:lil cul
u'd gave yr Opponent a hard tackle and also a great attack...
Punchlines: good ones
Flows:strong flows
Meta4s: great
Similes:nah! saw few
yr guard wasnt strong enof to shield ya,anyway.....
RAW made a very good effort but ma vote goes to SHAEV7.
u guys did a great job
Shaev7 2010/11/10 15:55
Final judge:
Resphanto 2010/11/10 16:04
Yeah in d absence of UNDERGROUND's judge.
SHAEV ready got two votes and RAW got none.
This topic is closed.
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