Underground ~vs~ rickosi4eva_Dwizzard by
Resphanto 2010/11/07 08:28
Yeah! The Rules:
Verses 2 each (1 Post=1 Verse)
48 hours (2days limit)
Prize:100+ to the winner....
Judges:Shaev7,Black List3d,and Ceejay.
Pls no interference until after BATTLE
ha HA ha
Spit it out!...
edited...dat guy Eleto didnt signed in tha touRNEY
rickosi4eva_Dwizzard 2010/11/07 22:58
und3rgr0und, ...ssshh...listin car3fully ITZ DAH GR0UND UND3R YA MOTH3rz_LanD! C0m3 cl0s3 t0 tha d00r&Listin (~~~~) 'THA CHAIN-SAW IN THA SLAUGTHER H0US3/ THA V0ICE OF YA D3AD GRAND_M0TH3R D0WN!'
w3 ELD3RZ say, 'if a child tri3s t0 knw wat kill3d hz farda,dat sam3 thng g0nn kill im t00' ya thnk yasef brAV3, bt ya dnt knw ya walking_al0n3 t0 tha path_way 0f tha D3Ad'z_CAV3!
'A STUBB0RN FLY F0LL0WZ 'd C0rp3z t0 tHA gRAV3!' /amma g0nn gv3 y0 wat ya want c0x I knw ya dnt wanna b3 sAV3D! y0 hav s33med lik3 a G0liath 4 l0ng & nw Amma g00n tak3 ya d0wn lik3 DAVE!...
...thez 'r3 dah d3s0luti0n 0f Ma INTR0DUCTI0N & witf n0 furth3r INSTRUCTI0N RESY, ...W3 M0V3 T0 dAH unpatheTic_D3STRUCTI0N?!!... ....
Am tha king 0n tha thr0n3! /wen I s3at 0n ma thr0n3, /I h3ar u gr0an /u gr0an 0va ma fl0wz/ cox u'r3 unda ma N0s3 /ya unda ma f33t /ya unda tha gr0und f33ling tha H3at 0f ma B3ATz!! am speeding 0n ma speed lan3/c0x itz g0t s0mthng 2 d0 wit tha SPIRITZ GAM3! /and w3n ma b3atz dr0p 3v3ryb0dy g03s INSAN3!!!
amma p0ur 0n ya b0dy, /a h0t toddy /c0x u aint n0b0dy /killin u! Dragin ya us3l3z c0rp3'z tummy /0ff tha l0bby! I dnt wanna knw ya dumbAZZ nam3! c0x itz aint gat a part d0 in thz gam3! ap3 rapist '3m all tha sam3! I wanna b3 d0n3 wift u,s0 am st00pinG s0 L0w, wift ma fl0wz s0 lay ya bald h3ad l0w 4 'd KING
am tha fr3sh b0n3,
tha r3d b0n3,
tha fr3sh br0,
tha thr3sh-H0ld, tha S.0.F.L.Y ric! /4g3t ab0ut tha ' OSI ' bC0x I 4g0t 2 pull-0ut ya Murdaz F0sills/4dat I l0ck3d u wit 'da sm0k3 0f ya Fardaz t3s_tis R0AsTING!
Resphanto 2010/11/08 05:26
....Underground its yr turn.
Underground 2010/11/08 10:41
Just a min. Let me show you nitwits how its done!
Underground 2010/11/08 11:34
Am tha Lord of the undaground tha realest hip-hop MISSIONARY/
my style aint CONTEMPORARY but rather hip-hop REVOLUTIONARY /
Yo STUPIDITY can only be emphasized by yo lyrical IMBECILITY/
and yo whackness is irreversible like severe OBESITY/
Am LYriCallY RefLEx;so ComPLEx am considered 2wap-raps BLUEPRINT/
take a HINT coz I PerPLeX with my lyrical Prowess and puchlines that cause yo ass SQUINT/
Am hip-hop DiViNE causing yo stupid ass style to LyriCAlly SuBliME/
Yo raps weakest link so cut yoself from the ViNE and bow down to me coz am PriME/
Stop stinkin up tha joint; coz yo stupefied lyrics n rhymes should be considered a CriME/
When I spit yo heart POUNDs faster than a dog in tha Dog-POUND/
Just like salt to a WOUND I cause pain that might cause you not to perform next ROUND/
UNDERGROUND lyrically GROUNDed yo stupid ass to tha GROUND pounded yo mouth with punchlines now you cant produce a SOUND/
SpellBOUND all emcees when I grab the mic; and when I leave most of dem are still left DuMbFOUND/
Bitch you should just feeL-ME coz even if you could: you just cant kill-ME/
Now what you gonna do except for your second verse to copy-ME/
but even if you do you can never beat-ME but rather be a wannabe-ME.
rickosi4eva_Dwizzard 2010/11/08 14:49
blah,blah,blah black sh33p I knw u'hv gat a w0und!
U knw wat? Ya jst Kized tha wr0ng ass!_ thz aint no disZ/cos am fill ya m0uf-latrin3 WitH buncH3z 0f RAT shxt s0 l mak ya eat 'em lik cHRuncH3Z.
u'r3 und3r-d-grnd bt am und3r-d- W0rld! feel ma rapp-hard-c0re itz s0 raw! I sr0tonize ya sCr0tum/deviatin spiritual ma Mem0randum/punchin ya with d most unPOPula disease CAN-D0-M0N-IUM /u'r3 m0st wanted rabbIT rapist UnD3R-D-GRanD/n0 w0unda dre aint n0 rabbit und3r-d-gr0und.
u dnt play trickz c0s u aint betta dan a burnt Dik!! u s0 cycliCK!/u're a rat prik,thz tim3,amma g0nn spar3 u ma rapz/al am g0n d0 is lay ma trAP!/ya mam t0d me ya a big fish wrapd/I g0t u blind wit ma rapp rayz/dat waz hw u failed thz Rat-racE/NW is 'd lat3r dayz/& amma finish ya 0ff wit0ut d3lay/
ya rap mak ma rappz s0 cruD3/AM finish ya 0ff lik I Shud/amma lezz ma bullz & d0G 2 rid3 ya gal til sh3 g3tz rud3! In ma slaugter r00m,sh3 metz h3r d00m as ma RYHN0 p0ns 0n h3r 2 end h3r starrin @ tha m00n s0 s00n! [b] s0 wat ya g0nn d0 DUDE?!
[/b] PR3TENc!
letz pretnd I aint killin ya/letz pretnd u aint feelin me/pretnd I aint skinin ya S0ul/letz pretnd I didnt win 'd Str33tz.RAp.g0D award/lik ma lyrikz dnt sim2 ya lik br0k3n glazes/pretnd ma dogz dnt rap3 ya aunt/ma bullz dnt stray ya wif3y/lik u aint feelin ma flwz/u cnt l3vel m3 cx u cnt hv a d0upe. U dnt evn knw watz a s0ap& al ya H0mmiz kip calin ya Z0mbi3/u'r ma puppyd0g r3memba?I chain ya lik ma d0g SC00BY!
Letz pretnd u didnt gr0w up by catz Milk/bcx da way u luk iz bcx ya feed 0n blakSHXT!
Pretnd Am ya KING/tha PING wh0 s3atz 0n tha thr0n3 wift 3-BLAKchettaz lafin at ya shxty fl0wz/lik am nt 0n thr0n wit ma cr0wN & lik I dnt mak rappaz say yo in ma stereo/ MA MUSIK IN YA AREA, ma FLWZ S0 IN YA EAR LIK A STEREO/MA FLWZ IN YA FUNERAL YA PAR3NTz c0m3 b3G M3 TO P3RF0RM AT YA BURIAL!
wen u d0 ya thng ma Chetaz&3ld3rz LaFT c0x ya s00 DAFHT!
Rt.In ma pee
rickosi4eva_Dwizzard 2010/11/08 15:22
WiSHed I neuA diD THz t0 U '...GRND' I spiLT ya p00r BLood 0n ma n3w slevevz-rapSHIrXT It SMElz lik3 raTSHXT!
DAMMMN!?! u disseD Tha WR0Ooong MathaFAka!!
Underground 2010/11/09 07:30
All you could come up with was rabbit fucker and then ended yo rap playing pretend!! Its apity!
What aload of crap!
my verse next!
Underground 2010/11/09 07:49
To me you the only RabBiT-FUCKER;the only certified WANKER/
mUthaFUCKer challenging me was yo stupidest idea coz its gon be a DizaSTER/
I bring hard core shxt while all you do iz play PreTEnD/
Youre like a JuVeNILe to me,the best you do iz play PreTEnD to ConTEnD/
When am done itll be The-END of YOU;cause you more harm - no one will wanna look at YOU/
My 1st verse DeMORALizED YOU that even yo fuckin mum cant even loot at YOU/
My style comes EnCryptTED that most you bitchez cant DeCIPHER my CyPHER/
Now youre getting LyriCAlly TERRORizeD pliz dont be scared like CaSpER/
My CHEMestrY wid da mic is CHEMicallY inseparable coz am tha lyrical TRanSpondER/
PoNDER this in yo mind next time you wanna face you lyrical ExeCUTioNER/
Am tha Hip-Hop comMISSIONer on a MISSION to murder any lyrical ConTENDeR/
You sound like a JaCK-aSS, so keep off my biz before I JerCK-that-aSS/
When I PaSS you better bow coz am way above yo ClaSS/
Dont PISS me off bitch or youll be drinking PISS when I PISS; better yet cut your ass up into PISSES(pieces)/
My sKiLLs cant be RATED coz am way up there its even harder to be CaLcuLATED/
Yo sKiLLs are eMaciATED just one punchline from me and they will be EVAPouRATED
Next time time bring me some more hardcore SHIT/I dont need those weak grammar school SPIT/with puches that dont HIT/or bitch you gonna feel the wrath of my lyrical WHIP-of-WIT
Resphanto 2010/11/09 07:57
Shaev7 2010/11/09 09:17
.lol. Wat a battle...
Rickosi: 1st verse.
Good punchlines,
nice attack
gud flows...
Meta4s lil cul.
hardtackled his opponent wt strong flows @ 1st vas.
Punchlines: also xcelent.
Meta4s: gud.
Rickosi: 2nd vas.
At d beginin,was gud bt came a lil weaker as it runs(sims ye wer tinkin of words)
gud flows.
Punchlines: gud
irony: i fink i saw sum.
No meta4s.
Underground: 2nd vas.
I began 2laf as i read d punches.
Punchlines: xcell...
Flows: nice &...
Meta4s: gud one.
Simile: saw 1 or 2.
as a big cumbck fr Underground 2d hard lines of Rickosi,easy n nice tackle.
My vote goes 2 UNDERGROUND!
bLaCk_LiSt3d 2010/11/09 09:51
i'll judge by the end of tha day...
Resphanto 2010/11/09 14:56
Waoh dat aint cool
Resphanto 2010/11/09 15:00
One vote by d 1st judge SHAEV7 has gone to UNDERGROND
Well let's wait for d 2nd judge black_list3d ...........waitin
Elfuego 2010/11/09 15:02
ricko waz hard in his 1st verse
2nd waz weak
unda waz hard in hz 2nd
bLaCk_LiSt3d 2010/11/09 16:17
Ricko's 1vrse was good,i can see ya improving 4rm da last time..now u throwing punches flows..nice,keep it up...but ricko's 2nd vrse was weak..like shaev's said u were tinkin of words,n that part kill ya..keep advancing..
Unda 1st vrse was ill with those pnches n metaphores, n he killed ya wit da 2nd one...
So i go 4 unda..keep it up
Shaev7 2010/11/09 22:33
This topic is closed.
Rap BattleZ
Engage in lyrical battles with other 2wap rappers. Not for the easily-offended.