WATER DEMONS by Laketempest 2010/11/03 09:29

In many of the deep pools of the streams and rivers guardian-demons were believed to reside, and it was dangerous to bathe in them.
Sometimes, when a castle or mansion was being sacked, a faithful servant or two contrived to rescue the plate chest, and to cast it into a deep pool in the nearest stream.

On one occasion a diver was got to got to the bottom of such a pool to fetch up the plate of the neighboring castle. He dived, saw the plate chest, and was preparing to lift it, when the demon ordered him to go to the surface at once, and not to come back. At the same time the demon warned him that, if he did come back, he would forfeit his life. The diver obeyed. When he reached the bank he told what he had seen, and what he had heard.

By dint of threats and promises of large reward, he dived again. In a moment or two afterwards his heart and lungs rose and floated on the surface of the water. They had been torn out by the demon of the pool.
Marlou 2010/11/03 10:37
/smiley its scary! Before taking a bath at any tourist falls be sure that theres n0 dem0ns in there. Read history of that place first!.mad.
Rita 2010/11/04 08:49
Oh...this is scarey to bath.
iNfernoFox 2010/11/05 00:05
Does this story have an origin or was it made up?

Also what kind of "Chest plate" was that and why "Heart & lungs" ? Hmn...

_Duckling_ 2010/11/06 08:50
really /smiley
Laketempest 2011/01/05 18:06
Quote: marlou: /smiley its scary! Before taking a bath at any tourist falls be sure that theres n0 dem0ns in there. Read history of that place first!.mad.
lol be careful playing in water

jay6600 2011/07/08 01:58
Many trolls here in rural england some of them reside under bridges and if your christian faith you'd be crazy to cross alone
Muwale 2011/07/10 07:32
I like water but hate demons.
_ShAnE_StArK_ 2015/05/05 09:25
Hmmm really
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