6600( need HELP pls ) by
complicated 2010/11/01 01:13
Pls nyb0dy can help me, my realone player unable 2 play media clips, wat shud i do 2 fix it.? I h0pe s0meb0dy wud help. . Tnx a lot.
_SUPERBRAT_ 2010/11/01 01:29
I think its virus problem, remove ur sd card and upload a new movie clip and check it playing or not,
Mahesh 2010/11/01 01:30
You mean nokia 6600? Try to restore all factory settings. If its not work then go and update software. May be work.
Realboy2 2010/11/01 06:18
D legend is back again
SAGITTARIUS 2010/12/07 07:42
I have one simple and easy solution of ur problem..just sell ur fone and get new one.
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