Ouch: I say respect 2all d mc's dt participatd or nt,dose dt contributd 1way or d other,I CNT SAY BT TANK U ALL.
Bt i will like 2advice,if my fellow mc's wil agree wit.Shaev instead of playn foriegn style of rap,y dnt u create a tournament strictly on 9ja flows,yea,it cn b mixd wit english,bt lets bring in d 9ja flavour,letr represent our mother's land.
Dt shuld b my own sugestxn,thank u.
wel,it'l b dificult,cuz its a social site,n we al spik english as we undastood aswel.
If ya wana do 9ja rap,it'l land in samethin cuz its stil eng. Xcept da vanacular(pidgin) bt wot of odaz frm da oda continents along side oda countries,dey'v 2folow up. Only dhat d dominance of Nig is mor in no now... Lets kip rappin d way we cn do it. Thnx Ouch 4dis.
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