bLaCk_LiSt3d vs Toby555 by
Shaev7 2010/10/23 09:11
Time: 36hrz.
Verses: 2verses each by mcs.
bLaCk_LiSt3d 2010/10/23 12:15
man..bad connection at my place,sorry 2make ya wait
Lets rolll
yo pussy have u evr seen a killer MURDER^USING^LYRICS?/
Actually,am the only one alive call me LYRICAL^MURDER^am a^GIMMICk/
TOBY^saw ur last battle what a SHAME^u spit like a MAN^with no^DICK/
attach all ur pubic hair to ur BODY^so u look like^FURBY from ur stinking^DICK/
betta change ur GENDER^n call urself ^BARBIE^ n if ur a WOMAN^my^DICK^u^LICK/
I mix my words lyka BLENDER^then vormit it lyka FLAME^thats y am^SICK/
tHe verses BIND^me n HOES^LIKE^a locked^KEY/
Snap my VERSUS^SPINE coz his the fucking^ENEMY/
gonna put holes thru ur PALM^like^JESUS
coz u wack n i am the captain of the RAP^MILLITARY/ words make ur BRAIN^NUMB damn am a motherfucking 2WAP^RAP^one man^ARMY/
FALLBACK^dude or u gonna see the illest^CUMBACK in 2WAP^HISTORY n that will b ur^CEREMONY/
Toby555 2010/10/24 09:47
Yeah,come on,dawgs...bounce wit me..bounce wit...
I spit ryhMEs lik' a bullet pinGin 4rm a gun/hommie,makE run,ain't stopPiN 'till i GeT DoNe bUrnin u uP...likE JaMEs BoNd/cuz AM so sICk o' rAp aMAteURs/raCIn haRD 2 BatTle wITh FrEakINg RaP FeatURes/VulTURes so CAUght up witH lyRIcal BRain sEizuREs/aIMiN goALs...baStardIN raP cULTures/bUt i Gat Da SItUAtioN unDeR CoNTroL/rEsPect MA wORd,juST gatta Get A hOLD/to Reload and geT 'em all ChOKed/yo,bLAck-assTED,ya ryhMES aRE olD aNd tWIstED/so SorRY,ya MAma leFT ya iN DA coLD 2 xPLode Or GeT bUstED/ha ha,ya gat OuSTed,miC HAngiN loW,FlOWs so sLOW,RyhMeS so ReJECted/evEN uR sImiLIEs anD meTAphors...all FucKINg A-deGRAdED/yA fADEd,gO geT ReCycLED aN' bE LEss SWollEN HEadED/mixIn wORDS LIK' a BleNDER(ha ha) gon' fEtCH u NOtiN BuT A fEATheR/rEmemBER,diz GamE-biZ ain't 4 a PLaya/who'z gat WaCk RYHmeS OOzIN OUtta da GuTTer/i suGgesT U go chew a cheDDer/ANd sTOp sPITtin liK' a sTArvED TODDleR...SuCkeR!
bLaCk_LiSt3d 2010/10/24 11:04
Fuck,..,spit only lame VERSES^n u fucking TOOK^da^WHOLE^DAY?/
man diz pussy aint my level go n take REHEARSHES^n^HOOK ur dick in a^GAY^HOLE^OKAY?/
read the pinned topic SKOOLIN YA coz u need more^CLASSES^read more^BOOK^or u wont^STAY/
u got diz under control?man u first need to control the^BRIBERY~N~CORRUPTION^in ur^CITY/
they so poor they cant afford to gve ya^ SALARY^u bcome^POVERTY coz ur overload in^POPULATION^what a^PITY/
my flow so slow??blind rhymes is a finest^QUALITY^N flowS lyka^TSUNAMIE/
i've killed ya already in my FIRST^VERSE thats y u sayin my words r OLD^n^TWISTED/
uR a cat n i killed u 9times with my blood^THIRST^VERSE n u juz cnt kill me coz am BOLD^N^GIFTED/
i ride my MERZ^stick da gear in^REVERSE n kill ya again thats y am BLACK^LISTED/ done wit u,my VERSES^had u^CURSED^n^MOLESTED-
bLaCk_LiSt3d 2010/10/24 11:08
bRibery n corruption n poverty..the bad situation in nigeria.4those who dnt kno
Shaev7 2010/10/24 11:25
Battle timesup! I guess we all saw da who punchez c'in frm both mcs. Most of it all da last verses of List3d killin NIG. datz personalz n lots of metaphorical punchlinez. Toby,grills 2ya. U good. Nxt tym b hard on ur punches.
bLaCk_LiSt3d WINS!
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