POWER OF THE SUN by LoneLy_heArt2010/10/21 16:16 The sun is a great power plant. If you were to mark off one square yard on the sun you would find that it is giving of 70,000 horsepower of energy continuously.
There are a tremendous number of square yards on the sun's surface: more than 10,000 times the number of square yards on the surface of the earth.
Suppose that we decide to buy the energy that the sun gives off for a period of twenty-four hours. Suppose we can buy this energy for one-fourt cent per kilowatt-hour.
To pay for this energy in silver dollars would require enough money to cover the United States four miles deep.
This represents a tremendous amount of energy. Yet when God created the sun, He had to put into that act of creation all of the energy that has come from the sun and all that which may yet to come from the sun.
There is still enough energy in the sun to last for some thirty billion years.
The sun is like a vast hydrogen bomb burning slowly. Every second, 4 million tons of hydrogen are destroyed in explosions which start somewhere near the core, where the temperature is 13 million degrees Centigrade.
More energy than man has used since the dawn of civilization is
radiated by this normal star in a second.
The earth's entire oil, coal and wood reserves would fuel the sun's energy out-put to the earth alone for only a few days. Tongues of hydrogen flame leap from the sun's surface with the force of 1000 million hydrogen bombs.
They are forced up by the enormous thermonuclear explosion at the core of the sun where 564 million tons of hydrogen fuse to form helium.
Material at the core of the sun is so hot that a pinhead of it would give off enough heat to kill a man 1 million miles away.
Laketempest2010/10/21 17:18 Worth reading bro, great to learn more about nature