Tha GaMe~tHe rUlEz~uR dUTy! by Shaev7 2010/10/15 19:50
Play to the tune of the game...
1. There shall be no bitin by any mc(participant) from any artist. If caught, the mc wil b DQ n batles rule over.
2. Mind you biznes, don't obstruct or post in an ongoing thread(batle),wen caught d mc wil b DQ.
3. Judges shal b controlled by d mods and organisers as they want it.
4. Time limit wil be give to each thread,failure to maintain with the time limit will lead to the end of the thread and +ses wil nt b awarded to the participant.
5. Verses: it'l b max of 2verses from both mc's. 1verse= a post which wil amount 2 a total of 4posts @d end of the match.
There shall be 4matches each day i.e 8 mc's batling. Each one that winz proceed to the nxt side n meet the winer of the other group. A winer each day gets 100 +ses as award til d final day wich wil hold on 29th of Oct. and wil atract a HONOR from 2wap.
If you're not clear with dese xplanations,pm me or post it here.
NOTE: if u dont c u thread/topic in d 1st page, go to d 2nd page cuz each mc's post in their thread,d odas goes down d zone.(4as long they aren't pinned). Thnx.

_KJOE_ 2010/10/15 20:38
Please bad rapping not allow and papping that will hurt your patner is not allow here.

Shaev7 2010/10/15 20:40
Quote: _KJOE_: please bad rapping not allow and papping that will hurt your patner is not allow here.

what u mean?

_KJOE_ 2010/10/15 20:51
I thought you are making a rule
Daninelix 2010/10/15 21:37
Oh no i don't understand oooo pls pm me to make me understand o,tanx
bLaCk_LiSt3d 2010/10/15 22:59
bring it on
smokey_Mc_pod... 2010/10/16 00:43
i jst wonda? will dis game eva cum 2 an end cuz non of da competitions seems 2 get thr, EG: elfuego's comp, by da way who won? u stil got pluses 2 award son...
Elfuego 2010/10/16 05:31
D game is on
vicbrown 2010/10/16 06:10
How do we play it?
Ouch 2010/10/16 06:35
More drama,mr play,hiphop is alive
Ouch 2010/10/16 08:55
Im nt hapy wit wt im seein in d competitxn,wr did all those guyz kom 4rm,dey shuld hv testd dem b4 dey start competn,meeeennn,it sucks,huhh.
Spektralflamez 2010/10/16 09:19
StOp iT!! IF u tHinK U GoNnA MaKe a PrOfiT,I DoN'T Know wHaT The HeLL is stOPpiNg ya!FLaMeZ Is waTchInG YA!!
aytom 2010/10/16 09:43
Stop it Duch u also started from somewhere. So let them be.
DareDevil 2010/10/16 10:35
Quote: Ouch: Im nt hapy wit wt im seein in d competitxn,wr did all those guyz kom 4rm,dey shuld hv testd dem b4 dey start competn,meeeennn,it sucks,huhh.
its open to all, you afraid of the new guyz? If not let them be, if they break any rules they'll be DQ, if you break any you'll get DQ too, but i'm hoping a good play from you mate /smiley

Ouch 2010/10/16 12:07
Ok,let dm play,dey ar all gud,i startd somewr,afterall all is fair in war,wishn us d best of luck
buddyboy4cuties 2010/10/16 17:58
Wanna play d game ,but dont understand d rule of d game.
shacc 2010/10/16 19:04
I am danger rapper
Elfuego 2010/10/17 06:35
Quote: smokey_Mc_pod...: i jst wonda? will dis game eva cum 2 an end cuz non of da competitions seems 2 get thr, EG: elfuego's comp, by da way who won? u stil got pluses 2 award son...
n0body. . . . Topik cl0sed
d c0mp waz 4 25days, i let it stay longer bt stil n0n o' ya did nufin.
Only Ricko and U.
So n0 pluses chump

Shaev7 2010/10/17 06:40
Yal wasen't coperative,do dis n get d award.

Dis thread ain supoz 2b 4mere discuzion,its 4d rulez n regulation amendments n cmplains!

aytom 2010/10/17 08:57
[b] That's
and ok [/b]

rickosi4eva_Dwizzard 2010/10/17 09:51
Quote: shacc: I am danger rapper

shacc u danger but proof mehn,
I believe yah gonn do som hard knock on yaz,
if non3's c0nting on you, I am!
Dnt let me dwn.
/smiley I_WIZZARD /smiley

Replies: 89

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#49 Rap BattleZ
Engage in lyrical battles with other 2wap rappers. Not for the easily-offended.