MTN FREE BRWSN WIT JUST N100 PER DAY by Boyzozo 2010/09/30 12:06
JUST TEXT 104 to 131 for 10mb which will last for a day.... it is even faster tha
n u could ever think. try it and c wat am saying...

Boyzozo 2010/09/30 12:07

EngineerT 2010/09/30 12:23
Its only for 10MB
youngwizzy 2010/09/30 12:48
Can it work for bolt?
Abelaw 2010/09/30 13:32
After u exhaust 10mb it is finish
peck 2010/09/30 13:58
Mtn Na baba
SEGAT 2010/09/30 14:37
Yeah my pple mtn bundle is d best just text 104 to 131. With ur 100 4 d whole day is working 4 al d app lyk fbk, bolt. Etc
kayusfrank 2010/09/30 14:43
That's crap.
kayusfrank 2010/09/30 14:44
That's crap..
E-clev 2010/09/30 15:33
Its not free browsing man./smiley cos u've paid for the service
E-clev 2010/09/30 15:39
The fact that its 10mb and they claim it to last for a day doesnt mean u cant finish it in less than 30minutes
DonTammy 2010/09/30 16:08
Quote: Boyzozo: JUST TEXT 104 to 131 for 10mb which will last for a day.... it is even faster tha
n u could ever think. try it and c wat am saying...
we need d 1 4 free

SOTY_BLAST 2010/09/30 16:33
I love it bcos it faster and reliable
osazeworld 2010/09/30 19:07
what the 10mb means is 4 downld only. When u subscribe by texting 104 to 131 it will last for 24hrs. & when u exhaust the 10mb. U cn't downld till the rest of d day but still be browsing...
Davidson.A 2010/09/30 19:53
Ya iv heard of it 10mb only. thnx anyway.
BRAIN_MASTER 2010/09/30 21:12
Quote: gentility: Can it work for bolt?
yes it works with bolt

BRAIN_MASTER 2010/09/30 21:14
Am already using it but this does not worth to be a thread
Mensah 2010/09/30 21:18
Quote: Brainboy: yes it works with bolt
even 4 opera

Yungboss 2010/09/30 21:33
Wil u downld wit it
Viz_allati 2010/09/30 21:49
Those thieves dat want free browsing. . .is ds 100naira nt small enof ?
endur 2010/10/01 09:35
but if pple are many would it not slow
Replies: 33

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