making ur theme on ur phone__ by Davidson.A 2010/09/25 08:49
Guys do u wanna knw hw to edit a theme n changing it to hw u want it to look on ur phone with =BlueFTP=

brightsquare 2010/09/25 08:59
Yea am interested!
_dreamprince_ 2010/09/25 09:07
Ya i want to know
StoRmLeSs 2010/09/25 09:54
I have toolz i know how to make themes, picture animation, name smiley and graphics etc. Thanks any way!
Waleex 2010/09/25 10:16 on
styMO 2010/09/25 10:34
is t z right place?
-SwEeThArT- 2010/09/25 10:54
wrong zone again
_Terry_ 2010/09/25 11:55
Yeah wrong zone again.Move=>
OkiJ 2010/09/25 13:12
Let hv wat u got..
_SUPERBRAT_ 2010/09/25 13:34
Okay tell me, i want know about dat.
Davidson.A 2010/09/25 14:12
1st: u jst hv to download BlueFTP 4rm or into ur phone. Remember ur phone mst be bluetooth supportive!
Mr.Cherry 2010/09/25 14:59
Quote: StoRmLeSs: I have toolz i know how to make themes, picture animation, name smiley and graphics etc. Thanks any way!
me too !

Mr.Cherry 2010/09/25 15:01
Quote: StoRmLeSs: I have toolz i know how to make themes, picture animation, name smiley and graphics etc. Thanks any way!
i can also make personal wallpapers and track id and edit videos and many more things !

Mr.Cherry 2010/09/25 15:02
Quote: Davidson.A: 1st: u jst hv to download BlueFTP 4rm or into ur phone. Remember ur phone mst be bluetooth supportive!
ok and after that?

E-clev 2010/09/25 18:17
Nice topic but i can do this.....

Nattyboy 2010/09/25 20:57
am out bcos av ben editing theme eva since nw i want to know how to edit vedio any help?
DareDevil 2010/09/25 21:08
Quote: Davidson.A: 1st: u jst hv to download BlueFTP 4rm or into ur phone. Remember ur phone mst be bluetooth supportive!
you stupid tell us how to create one using blueFTP ?! Cuz its a bluetooth hacking application NOT theme making !

KELLE 2010/09/25 22:27
Yeah i need it
Yungboss 2010/09/26 00:10
Lets c wat u got
_dEvIL-hUNt_ 2010/09/26 03:29
I know how to creat theam frm ph0ne any way thnx/smiley
_dEvIL-hUNt_ 2010/09/26 03:34
Quote: Davidson.A: Guys do u wanna knw hw to edit a theme n changing it to hw u want it to look on ur phone with =BlueFTP=
BlueFTP is a bluetooth hacking app its n0t a theam maker app

Replies: 45

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