How to browse free on china phone by Lex5006 2010/09/21 14:38
If u have any idea of browsing free on china pls post

Boyzozo 2010/09/21 14:46
Go buy nokia or any other fon if u know say u wan browse
Boyzozo 2010/09/21 14:48
And stop creating useless topic
pricy 2010/09/21 15:22
China phone does not support the redkey so try to get nokia or other browsing phone.
GBAJUOLAS 2010/09/21 20:14
No idea bro
Abelaw 2010/09/21 21:10
Check on topi how to browse with china phone wit code that req red button
kayusfrank 2010/09/21 22:35
Get a nice phone like nokia.
qudus1 2010/09/21 23:00
Quote: Boyzozo: Go buy nokia or any other fon if u know say u wan browse
u beta get anoda fone guy.

Tundinho 2010/09/21 23:35
Nah, it's impossible to browse free not until downloading cheats is being made available. China phone does not support red button cheat. If you're interested in getting your China phone manually configure pending to or in advance to downloading cheats/codes,then reply via an offline text and i'll send the write-up to you via text hope u'll get it done perfectly?
BIDFESTUS 2010/09/22 04:12
What bout the downloading cheatz
Good 2010/09/22 07:49
Not possible
Boyzozo 2010/09/22 07:59
Yes! It's nt possible 2 browse free on Chinko, does nt support redkey, and moreover, cnt use % chinko is made 4 playing music.
Tony-rizzy 2010/09/22 08:43
So u have nothing to offer why creating a topic.
Lex5006 2010/09/22 09:21
To have an idea abt red button
abacus7 2010/09/22 09:43
SET homepage:none ip: bookmark: http://freesite/cgiproxy/ apn: ur network
Bigprof 2010/09/27 23:34
Is possible 2 browse free with china phones. I have configured more china phones for fbts.
Bigprof 2010/09/27 23:36
Just recently i was using mtn for that but for now i have diverted to zain.
Bigprof 2010/09/27 23:38
Here is the zain fbt for china phones.
Bigprof 2010/09/27 23:47
Just get any better ip like and convert it to number. After that configure ur phone with the number ip with 80 as port and internet as apn. Put the zain homepage as the homepage 4 the fbt. And u good to go through.
Bigprof 2010/09/27 23:49
For ghana the zain homepage is
RAPHEALZ 2010/09/28 00:37
Pls help
Replies: 45

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