lyrics/poems at rap by trakkerterrorist 2010/09/01 07:24
anyone know example how do poems work rap without brake the message? Would u show what it might be good way rap?
Elfuego 2010/09/01 08:27
Wot do u mean???
Shaev7 2010/09/03 14:33
Wel juz beliv dat rapz got its own poems bt dunt undastnd wat u mean,mayb u elucidate more on ds thread.
trakkerterrorist 2010/09/03 14:58
poems and raplyrics can they be balanced?
Shaev7 2010/09/03 15:15
Yea sum how,make a CYPHER RAP
Elfuego 2010/09/03 17:01
Cypa cn
rickosi4eva_Dwizzard 2010/09/04 08:53
Lay it plain on d table lik U were constable we aint no freebles/we're 600digri.kel/we 2wap rappppers dnt Sweat/ bt at -4deg.c we mak oda rapppas sweat couz deir flow dnt glow/it sounds lik a child who dnt wanna grow. they flows smel lik deir armpit did d talking/we glow lik d sunshine couz 4rm Wisdom we gained freedom,we Do the Rocking & put dem in our Stockins...
trakkerterrorist 2010/09/04 10:36
thanks somebody gets my point
rickosi4eva_Dwizzard 2010/09/08 21:24
Pointed point/Now It hurt ma Joint! Outch! /smiley
Spektralflamez 2010/09/11 00:35
You're classic,your beauty gots it's own magic,if i lose you it's gonna be tragic.
Spektralflamez 2010/09/11 01:18
Many faces i see,ya kind is never seen on rarely cases,i see ya setting the paces......
Spektralflamez 2010/09/11 01:51
Bringing the flava,blowing ya mind my rhytm is the major,taking ya pleasure,no one can measure.
Lilsaint 2010/09/12 13:39
Depending on d combinatn
#49 Rap BattleZ
Engage in lyrical battles with other 2wap rappers. Not for the easily-offended.