The Environment Is Going To Hell by
LoneLy_heArt 2010/08/23 04:15
This is the litany: Our resources are running out. The air is bad, the water worse. The planet's specis are dying off-more exactly, we are killing them at the staggering rate of 100,000 per year, a figure that works out to almost 2000 species per weak, 300 per day, 10 per hour, another dead species every 6 minutes.
We are trashing the planet, washing away the topsoil, paving over our farmlands, systematically deforesting our wildernesses, decimating the biota, and ultimately killing ourselves.
The world is getting progressively poorer, and it's all because of populating, or more precisely, over population. There is a finite store of resources on our pale blue dot, spaceship Earth, our small and fragile tiny planet, and we are fast apporaching it's ultimate carrying capacity.
The limits to growth are finally upon us, and we are living on borrowed time. The laws of population
growth are inexorable, Unless we act decisively, the final result is written in stone: mass poverty, famine, starvation, and death.
Time is short, and we have to act now. That's the standard and canonical litany. It's been drilled into our
heads so far and so focefuly that to hear it yet once more is ... well, it's almost reasuring.
It's comforting, oddly consoling- at least we are face to face with the enemies: consumption, population, mindless growth. And we know the solution: cut back, contract, make do with less. "Live simply so that others may simply live."
There's just one problem with The Litany, just one slight little wee imperfection: every item in that dim and dreary recititaion, each and every last claim, is false. Incorrect. At variance with the truth. Not the way it is, folks.
brightsquare 2010/08/23 05:19
i dont want 2 believe:
The enviromental deterioration we r havin 2day,its bcos we havnt been planing 4 d future. For example.
brightsquare 2010/08/23 05:24
For instance,we never new invention is bein made,the technology shud be tested 2 see if it has advert effect 2 d environment on d future. But d question is,r scientists doin this?
Nonso 2010/08/23 07:59
Elfuego 2010/08/23 09:22
Is nt dooms day yet
Robasy 2010/08/23 13:00
World will come to end very soon
Doubl-D 2010/08/23 17:38
We hav to accept responsibility for our actions and start doin sumting abt ths problem
pricy 2010/08/23 17:39
I think we sh0uld c0ntinue praying to GOD,and be asking for forgiveness of sin, and also praying for peoples in other c0untry.
Spy27 2010/08/23 17:45
Cool topic
Sexytum 2010/08/23 17:46
The environment is indeed going to hell. Nice 1.
HAPPINESS 2010/08/23 17:49
Due to the wide spread of people on the surface of the earth has cause so many damage to the gift of nature (animals trees rivers even the sky) we need a quick intervention to rescue the world
Wanday 2010/08/30 06:48
D resources & nature ar being exhausted due to lack of conservation
_KeViN_ 2010/09/14 09:58
ofcous its true
_KJOE_ 2010/09/16 15:39
Spektralflamez 2010/09/16 15:49
Of course the world is so old so it has to be polluted
MFLOW 2011/04/22 15:57
For instance,we never new invention is bein made,the technology shud be tested 2 see if it has advert effect 2 d environment on d future. But d question is,r scientists doin this?
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