What's In A Name? by EloraM23 2010/08/05 14:00
From time to time, magazines and periodicals present articles written by men and women who have changed their names and suddenly come into wealth, fame and recognition. Reading these reports, you may have been skeptical about the new name having anything to do with it - but at the same time secretly wondered what you would be like if you had a different name. Would the same thing happen to you? Would you really be different? Would you show more talent?

@Moon_boy@ 2010/08/05 21:11
I like my name and I will never chance it
Riddle 2010/08/22 10:02
Name is actually a very strong rope that ties us to the supreme...
EloraM23 2010/08/05 14:03
Our names are something more than a family relationship or just a means of identification, often surprises and shocks those presented with the precept that destiny and experience are written in our names given to us at birth.
fu9it1v3 2010/08/05 14:04
I like my name the way it is, never cross my mind the will to change it, but indeed some people here in my country still believe in the power of name. Some even gets sick because it is believed they are not strong enough for the name. Odd hey? /smiley
EloraM23 2010/08/05 14:09
It has been recognized throughout the ages that names play a vital part in directing and influencing the destinies of mankind and that they represent character, human nature, experience and divine authority. The Bible teachings repeatedly stated the importance of names also. The days of creation were numbered according to the activity taking place, day by day.
EloraM23 2010/08/05 14:17
I'm talking about the belief in Numerology which also recognizes the potentialities and the spiritual command hidden in our names and the numbers comprising them. It applies numbers to names and determines the character, the life experiences and ultimate goal of the individual bearing the name. Th scientist writes H2O and understands the symbol. The Numerologist writes - Joe 165 or (12)3 and also interprets the nature and activity which the symbol represents.
EloraM23 2010/08/05 14:24
Few people are conscious of the degree to which names and numbers influence all human communication and progress. Everything is named and numbered. Houses, streets, telephones, calendars, clocks, birthdays, contracts and statistics are written and tabulated in figures and numbers concerning every daily undertaking. We live in a mathematical world and do not realise it. In the same way, our names are numbered - for every letter of the alphabet has a number corresponding to its position and orderly relationship to the 26 letters.
EloraM23 2010/08/05 14:28
Every poem, novel, love-letter, business communication, or expression of romance and emotion is transcribed through the means of the alphabet and it's 26 letters. There is no other means of communication - nor escape from this mathematical tabulation of mankind's interests, desires and ambitions.
EloraM23 2010/08/05 14:32
The dream of riches and of service to humanity lies deep in the heart of everyone. It is a natural and spiritual urge of the soul. Outstanding attainment and the best life has to offer are the rights of every person - young to old. No one gets all the "breaks" all the time. They belong to all. Just how it is hidden in each person's name...the way it is there only needs to be discovered.
EloraM23 2010/08/05 14:39
Character analysis through Numerology places everyone in their right place; it gives a blueprint of the opportunities they were born to accomplish and shows the way to success and the best life has to offer. Life brings everyone many tests and lessons to learn, but no one was born to struggle a whole lifetime through. Only lack of understanding of one's potentialities and soul's grace can bring this about. Happiness, success and the joy of living are rewards for the one who wisely follows the Destiny written in their name. You don't need to change it. Understand it and put it to work for you.
GhAyAl 2010/08/05 15:55
understand . . . finally
_KJOE_ 2010/08/06 15:42
Quote: fu9it1v3: I like my name the way it is, never cross my mind the will to change it, but indeed some people here in my country still believe in the power of name. Some even gets sick because it is believed they are not strong enough for the name. Odd hey? /smiley
agree .hehe.

beautifuldreamer 2010/08/12 06:29
numerology, a very interesting concept.
Sexytum 2010/08/17 14:10
A name of some1 it's liable to influence ones doing. Anyway i love my name it has a good meaning and also influence my life.
Fluxion 2011/02/06 18:32
understand . . . finally
_ShAnE_StArK_ 2015/05/03 07:27
Gud info...
David.adams 2016/08/07 14:31
Smarty 2016/09/01 07:00
Is this a joke?
Sarcastic 2016/09/01 19:51
A tag to address u..
-Marizelle- 2016/09/09 09:03
Like my names. My mom and dad choose it specially for me on my birth day so why be so mean and change it

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