Ghost Animals by TheMouse 2010/07/31 21:25
*shocked* Last night, I had a frightful dream, it sorely burdened me / I dreamt the cat was after me, and wanted me for tea. / And as I ran for my dear life the cat was always near / And I could feel the beast's foul breath, and such I ran in fear... // The worst was yet to come, for suddenly I saw / No earthly but a ghostly cat it was from ear to paw. / How glad I was as soon the ghost cat fell into a hole / Which must have been, conveniently, dug deeply by a ghostly mole. / I covered up the hole with dung of one ghostly cow, / And I took leave from the nightmarish cat, with cheerful 'bye' and 'chiao' ... [ do not enter the region of ghostly animals in your dreams. This story has a happy ending, but you might not be so lucky... ] -gap-
Laketempest 2010/07/31 21:28
/smiley that crazy kitty choose the wrong sweet mouse to attack in his dreams.
_KJOE_ 2010/07/31 22:22
U re rite my bro
Princecharles 2010/08/01 04:23
Of cus d wrong kitty.
GhAyAl 2010/08/01 07:51
Blind cat without legs
Spoon 2010/08/01 07:58
hehehe mr mouse ur topics always make me smile
Riddle 2010/08/02 21:06
My dead cat is chasing you mouse... Don't be afraid, you will still be alive inside his stomach.. /smiley
Sexytum 2010/08/03 13:02
Quote: Riddle: My dead cat is chasing you mouse... Don't be afraid, you will still be alive inside his stomach.. /smiley

_KJOE_ 2010/08/06 18:36
Quote: Laketempest: /smiley that crazy kitty choose the wrong sweet mouse to attack in his dreams.
agree and correct

Doubl-D 2010/08/07 18:56
I wonder if ghost animals can fly /smiley
beautifuldreamer 2010/08/12 06:15
ghost birdies maybe. lol!
Spektralflamez 2010/09/21 20:45
Thats serious
Spektralflamez 2010/09/23 07:11
I've never seen an animal ghost before
Fluxion 2011/02/07 13:55
U re rite my bro
_ShAnE_StArK_ 2015/05/15 09:26
@Don@ 2015/06/04 15:04
Ammit 2015/06/07 14:09
invit stuart,a pet mouse
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