Dinosaur fact file by Elfuego 2010/07/16 15:05
Is d smallest dinosaur. D size of a chicken. It has long legs and cud run fast. It eats lizards and insects.

size:33.5m long
sum scientists fint dat dis is d largest n heaviest dino eva 2 have bin discovered. It may have weighed mre dan 12 elephants. And as large as 3storey building. Sum say d mataborosaurus is larger.

size:13.5m long
Dis dino waz d biggest meat-eating land animal eva 2 hv lived. It waz even bigger dan d T-REX. It had teeth 15cm long, and as long as 4 cars
Elfuego 2010/07/16 15:15
is believed 2 b d fastest dinousaur after d STRUTHIOMIMUS. Unlike its predecessor d raptor waz a meat-eating dino. They hunt in groups of 8-15.

It is believed dat d TRICEPTORS r d direct decendants of torosaurs. D torosaur head waz d size of a whole rhino.

GhAyAl 2010/07/16 17:34
Fankx. . . .
LoneLy_heArt 2010/07/17 01:50
good information
DonTundex 2010/07/17 09:30
Good info, keep it up.
DonTundex 2010/07/17 09:30
Good info, keep it up.
Marlou 2010/07/17 09:46
Thanks for the g0od info that u shared with us. Keep it up.
Lucky 2010/07/17 12:43
Thnx. I like it.
Elfuego 2010/07/17 13:04
A large flesh eating dino, reaching 11m/36ft in lenf, and 2tons is w8. Bipedal, powerful hindlimbs. Knwn 4rm d upper jurassic period of N. AMERICA. {orda: saurischia}

Elfuego 2010/07/17 13:19
Dicynodon: a plant eating reptile knwn 4rm d l8 permian period. Jaws wit horny plates 4 cutting and crushin vegetation;upper canine tusks prominent. {orda. Therapsida}.

DIPLODOCUS: A semi-aquatic, long necked dino; body lenf up2 28m/92ft, wit whip lyk tail. Plant eating, four-legged, hindlimbs longer dan forelimbs.

priceless 2010/07/19 05:09
Well said. . .thanx
Elfuego 2010/07/20 07:06
More facts stil coming
Robin 2010/07/21 04:48
thnx nice info
Alasadot 2010/07/30 08:59
Thanks for the information
Alasadot 2010/07/30 09:04
Hmhm dats gr8
Alasadot 2010/07/30 09:12
Friend am gr8ful for dat information
@Moon_boy@ 2010/08/01 13:24
Its great information
KAHOTIC 2010/08/01 20:22
thankx 4 da info.
Gustydude 2010/08/08 10:12
Thanks 4 this
MFLOW 2011/04/22 16:02
Good info, keep it up
jokie 2011/04/23 15:05
Must read it b4 see next jp movie
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