Ebruselis2010/07/10 16:06 abeg the only one wen i know na to send prov (wen u create and download) to china fone then resend it to your fone activate and rock
Waplord2010/07/10 18:02 Simple thing,just cre8 ur prov file at myprov.co.cc and download it 2 any bt enable fone and send it 2 ur phone via bt.remember 2 rename it 2 mtn.prov 4 mtn, etisalat.prov 4 eti b4 sending.set it as ur default config and activate it in all app.
Teddy-G2010/07/10 19:33 Please guz. I am try to open opera on my 6085, but his saying that NETWORK ACCESS SET TO NOT ALLOWED. Help. Plz pm me. I trust u all.