How to use china phonewithcodes whi req red button by Abelaw 2010/06/17 22:18
To browse wit u china phone wit codes which require red buttons first go to settings on ur phone set connection time out to minimum then save settings surf wit one of the code but when u r in wait till connection automatically disconnect then surf second page and so on it is working 4 china and other phone

SOTY_BLAST 2010/06/17 22:40
U don't mean it
CristaWhite 2010/06/17 23:15
Pls post the ip
Abelaw 2010/06/18 00:12
U can use normal ip wit this cheat site remenber follow procedure
Abelaw 2010/06/18 06:44
Is it wrk for u all
olowookere 2010/06/18 07:01
You are tooooooo gbaski
kayusfrank 2010/06/18 10:10
I will try it.
Ayo. 2010/06/18 19:39
Good job
gino7t 2010/06/19 21:51
abeylaw ur mental brain is no much fanastic can you do dis favour 4 me send a substance of OTEBAM
Abelaw 2010/06/20 13:03
U want games for china phones u can download nes format at it is tested and it worked.
ghostfreak 2010/06/20 13:33
Abelaw 2010/06/21 12:00
Wat of all u all
Abelaw 2010/06/21 18:34
Hey gino7t
Abelaw 2010/06/22 05:14
Abelaw 2010/06/22 16:46
How u dey everyone
Riddle 2010/06/22 19:46
RAPHEALZ 2010/06/23 04:56
Oh my God i need the mtn opera
Abelaw 2010/06/23 05:01
Hey for which fone
Abelaw 2010/06/23 05:03
Is it china or which model
kayusfrank 2010/06/23 05:29
Hey guy,i want to browse with my china phone but it not working displaying gprs not subscribe.
Abelaw 2010/06/25 19:05
Quote: kayusfrank: Hey guy,i want to browse with my china phone but it not working displaying gprs not subscribe.
go through ur settings make sure u did not miss any spelling (go to set set ip addres and port properly then go to data acco unt set it username=web password=web

Replies: 43

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