Scary scene by my bed by OceanGoddes 2010/06/15 20:14
If one night you wake up because you heard a noise, you turn on the lights only to find that you are surrounded by scary, beast like, vampire teeth,-werewolf- blood drippin, fire burnin eyes, twisted arms, freely floatin necks around ur bed, wat u do?

_dreamprince_ 2010/06/15 20:15
Just think its funny and laugh/smiley
TheMouse 2010/06/15 20:21
I'll think, it's about time, too, that my friends finally give a surprise party for me! /smiley
Laketempest 2010/06/15 20:50
/smiley i would get my axe and battle with them /smiley lol i will also call my pet for help (demo1)
DareDevil 2010/06/15 20:56
Quote: OceanGoddes: If one night you wake up because you heard a noise, you turn on the lights only to find that you are surrounded by scary, beast like, vampire teeth,/smiley blood drippin, fire burnin eyes, twisted arms, freely floatin necks around ur bed, wat u do?
don't you ever feel tired of creating useless topics? lol

TheMouse 2010/06/15 21:02
Quote: Daredevil: don't you ever feel tired of creating useless topics? lol
U quote it, so it must have made impression on U, hahaha /smiley

OceanGoddes 2010/06/16 00:44
Quote: Daredevil: don't you ever feel tired of creating useless topics? lol

No/smiley i can go on and on and on

DotmonKing 2010/06/16 01:47
What would i do? U'l accept faith either good or bad bt u'l almost certainly lose out since its already so close to u
_vIsHaL_ 2010/06/16 18:01
I gonna shout. . . .mummmaaa!!!! /smiley rolf
Boet 2010/06/16 20:03
I would sit them down witha mug of blood each, and direct them to the nearest cemetary. After all,they are my groupies!
ACIDized 2010/06/22 09:07
whatta joke
Doubl-D 2010/06/25 15:11
Tell them that i cant play now and that they shud com back in the mornin
bizzzgee 2010/06/27 07:55
nt at all
ghostfreak 2010/06/27 09:51
i will gladly welcome dem cos am a ghost and we are friends
Elfuego 2010/06/27 10:36
Dats best part. Party wit em. Haha
Spektralflamez 2010/09/21 21:31
Find a way of escaping the attack
Spektralflamez 2010/09/23 08:08
One day i woke up and found the head of medusa beside me,thank God i didn't turn stone.
Laketempest 2011/01/05 18:32
Quote: Elfuego: Dats best part. Party wit em. Haha
/smiley i'll invite them to 2wap for you guys to chat with .hehe.

Chris_lee 2011/01/25 03:08
pretend i was falling to wake up they dont exist only in dreams
Elfuego 2011/01/26 08:35
Furi0us ya say. . .

Lindi102 2011/01/29 22:35
nothing jus go bck to sleep .lol.
Replies: 32

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