> How to CopyLocked Photos from Orkut! by ROCKY13 2010/06/07 06:53
How to Copy
Locked Photos from
ROCKY13 2010/06/07 06:54
Recently Orkut updated
it s security feature and
disabled Right-click on
photos of friend s album.
So this makes it difficult
to copy photos from
Orkut. It s a new security
update made by Orkut to
prevent people from
copying photos from
Orkut and misusing it.
This may be annoying
most of you! Then

ROCKY13 2010/06/07 06:55
How To Copy Locked
Photos From Orkut?
Yes its still possible to
copy the photos from
Orkut. Here s a step-by-
step procedure to copy
the photo.
1. Login into your Orkut
2. Goto your friends
album and open the
photo that you need to
3. Once the photo is
loaded to it s full size just
place the mouse cursor
on the photo.
4. Press the left click
button and drag and
drop the photo onto the
this trick is no longer
working. So I have a new
trick .

ROCKY13 2010/06/07 06:59
Just DRAG and DROP
the PHOTO onto the
current/new TAB (If you
have IE 7). Alternatively
you can also Drag and
Drop the photo onto
the Desktop. Thats it.
This trick is working
4. Now the photo gets
displayed seperately on
your browser.
5. You can Right-Click and
select the Save As option
to save the photo onto
your PC.
The browser also displays
the direct link to the
photo. This link can be
used to share the Orkut
photos with your friends
without the need to login
to your Orkut account to
access photos.
Please express your
opinions through
comments. Cheer Up..

Luvcastle2 2010/06/07 10:21
(tnx) itz veri usefl 4 me
Luvcastle2 2010/06/07 10:22
I av a lot 2 copy
_vIsHaL_ 2010/06/21 19:37
Thanx bro. . I reali needed it.
Holumiedey 2010/06/22 20:21
No idea
ROCKY13 2010/06/22 21:35
Quote: Holumiedey: No idea
i think u get shirt first! /smiley

_ShAnE_StArK_ 2013/09/24 08:19

_ShAnE_StArK_ 2013/10/05 17:31
very useful../smiley
S-ALI.RAZA 2013/12/26 08:13
Thanks .orkut g0OD SOFT
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