free call here by gion 2010/05/24 17:31
PLz help post here freecall like a philippines

Sammydee_ng 2010/05/24 18:09
Go luck. Keep searching 4ever.
bizzzgee 2010/05/24 19:26
I tink u shud ask oga google.Com
Jamotech 2010/05/24 19:56
See google
Prince-Charming 2010/05/24 21:46
in ur dreams buddy!
kayusfrank 2010/05/24 22:12
Good luck
romeo1178 2010/05/25 00:08
Best of luck
McMoriah 2010/05/25 03:56
just keep on searching bcos there is no harm in trial
Authentic 2010/05/25 04:48
Awoof dey run bele
Maclanry 2010/05/25 05:07 may be untill jesus come back.
Raphael_DEmedion 2010/05/25 06:10
trq diz sleep awaq f0r 1week and dr0q 4ph0n in a freezer,then rem0ve it,then......when u av d0n dat i'l tel d next step.
naresh460 2010/05/25 07:01
raju222 2010/05/25 07:57
gud luck
Raphael_DEmedion 2010/05/25 08:49
n0w q0 0n a drq fast f0r 1440 h0urs
Tapz 2010/07/06 15:43
Keep trying
Ayo. 2010/07/06 18:20
Pm me if u want it.(Free call)
Wale4life 2010/07/06 18:28
U ve started sometin great i thk u can do it just keep on prayin
_KJOE_ 2010/07/06 22:36
CristaWhite 2010/07/06 23:03
I don't its possible
CristaWhite 2010/07/06 23:04
Theres no need 4 asking google.
TerrY-G 2010/07/07 03:06
Ask google noW
Replies: 69

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