I'll Have To Say I Love You In A Song by tRuEbLuE 2010/05/24 10:21
We'll i know its kinda late
i hope i didnt wake you
But what i got to say can't wait
i hope you understand
Cause everytime i tried to tell you
all the words just came out wrong
so i have to say i love you in a song
tRuEbLuE 2010/05/24 10:24
Well i know its kinda strange
but everytime am near you
i just run out of things to say
i know you'd understand
cause everytime i tried to tell you
the words just came out wrong
so i'll have to say i love you in a song

tRuEbLuE 2010/05/24 10:27
Dedicated to all those who cant express their feelings. Just say it in a song /smiley
Laketempest 2010/05/24 10:53
I like it bluegirl /smiley
EllaiZa 2010/05/25 07:57
uhm my sissy trueblue.. y0u are exactly right.
Lilsaint 2010/05/28 02:56
Really great
raju222 2010/05/30 05:32
Really great
Marlou 2010/11/01 00:36
Great one
ANGERprincess 2010/11/01 01:54
Very nice mz blue!
Toppy4true 2010/11/01 04:24
Go find a green
AprilSnow 2011/05/03 06:06
Yeah,it's a bit sweet to hear I LOVE YOU in a song..lol.
SAFDAR 2013/08/17 20:09
Hareesh 2013/08/25 16:10
9ice lines
saahir 2017/11/16 04:16
Quote: tRuEbLuE: Dedicated to all those who cant express their feelings. Just say it in a song /smiley

Good idea! now I'll it, whe my words will go wrong /smiley

saahir 2017/11/16 07:09
Quote: tRuEbLuE: Dedicated to all those who cant express their feelings. Just say it in a song /smiley
Good idea! now I'll use it, when my words will go wrong.

quote=tRuEbLuE]Dedicated to all those who cant express their feelings. Just say it in a song /smiley[/quote]

#53 Creative Work
Poetry, stories, lyrics, quotes, life lessons and more. Prepare to be moved and inspired.