Mobile email signup by Akshay420 2010/05/23 16:24
Hi i have a nokia 6600 and want to use email on it. I want yahoo email service but when i went on their site they said that signup from your computer but the problem is that i don't have a computer so i am not able to register(signup) from my mobile. So can anyone help me for signing up yahoo from my mobile. Please help me. I have tried almost every link but all in vain. Please help
_dreamprince_ 2010/06/10 04:57
Ya try to sign up from computer,u can check email from ur mobile
_KJOE_ 2010/06/13 21:08
U have 2 use ur computer
Raphael_DEmedion 2010/06/21 13:18
thats rQt@all c0mments
_vIsHaL_ 2010/06/21 19:29
Mobile sign up are restrictd since a year. . .visit cyber cafe and sign up. . /smiley
_ShAnE_StArK_ 2014/07/06 06:03
Male1974 2014/10/01 23:22
download the yahoo mail app,you can sing up thru the app using your mobile device. at least u can here in the us.
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