I hate facebook ! by DareDevil 2010/05/19 18:33
Lol well 2wappers I read some hilarious shxt about bank crupting facebook and shooting the staff dead in the name of the religion, do you people have any idea that no one can ever do that? The guy who created facebook is a graduate from harvard alum which is basically the best business school in the world ! And he's one of the youngest billionaires ever ! And its a truth no matter how hard you try you can't boycott facebook as it connects you to the world, just think about it, when you go to buy a new phone don't you see if it has a facebook bookmark or not? Well me and all my friends do and we all are happy with it ! Lol but its really stupid to hate someone and curse them just cuz of somebody created some group or pole there.. So do you hate facebook too?

_Duckling_ 2010/05/19 18:34
I neva go thr
haris 2010/05/19 18:34
I like twitter../smiley
_Bl@sph3m3r_ 2010/05/19 18:36
u r right bro....
StoRmLeSs 2010/05/19 18:36
Yeh i hate facebook, any objecti0n???
DareDevil 2010/05/19 18:36
And what if tomorrow or day after someone create a poll Or group against here on 2wap? Will you boycott 2wap as well? I bet you won't ! I dare you people! lol i've over 400 friends on fb and none of them hate islam! Every good thing has something bad about it, the thing is how we see it! come on grow up, facebook is a craze these days ! Between everyone including the bad people ! Live and let others live ! Peace out !! (daredevil)
StoRmLeSs 2010/05/19 18:41
I don't really care who loves and hates islam, what i do care is 'the prophets, whoever will dare to insult them ,i will do anything possible i can!
DareDevil 2010/05/19 18:42
Quote: StoRmLeSs: Yeh i hate facebook, any objecti0n???
thats so immature of you.. But what to say we all have the right to think and choose /smiley

Monching 2010/05/19 18:46
FaCebOok lOoses sO MaNy MeMbEr cZ Of lAcK In PrIvAcY
StoRmLeSs 2010/05/19 18:47
Quote: daredevil: thats so immature of you.. But what to say we all have the right to think and choose /smiley

Yeh im like that when it comes the insult of ,any prophet, see you are follower of jewish who used to kill the holy prophets they didn't like. I LOVE PROPHETS AND I CAN BE KILL OR TOBE KILLED FOR THEIR HONOUR!

DareDevil 2010/05/19 18:50
Quote: Monching: FaCebOok lOoses sO MaNy MeMbEr cZ Of lAcK In PrIvAcY
well I agree on that one

_dreamprince_ 2010/05/19 18:54
I love facebook,
Monching 2010/05/19 19:11
FaCe bOoK iS NoT ThE bEsT 4mE, bUt I KeEp oN lOgin Cz oF My FaMIlY,ReLaTiVeS AnD fReNdS
DareDevil 2010/05/19 19:12
Quote: dreamprince: I love facebook,
lol good

SuLTaN 2010/05/19 19:38
Quote: daredevil: Lol well 2wappers I read some hilarious shxt about bank crupting facebook and shooting the staff dead in the name of the religion, do you people have any idea that no one can ever do that? The guy who created facebook is a graduate from harvard alum which is basically the best business school in the world ! And he's one of the youngest billionaires ever ! And its a truth no matter how hard you try you can't boycott facebook as it connects you to the world, just think about it, when you go to buy a new phone don't you see if it has a facebook bookmark or not? Well me and all my friends do and we all are happy with it ! Lol but its really stupid to hate someone and curse them just cuz of somebody created some group or pole there.. So do you hate facebook too?

, just
think if this page was to say bad
about u or any of ya family, will
u not do anything to put that
page down? I bet u would! So we
have this same feelings
for our Prophet (PBUH)
nd even if we do not get the result
we expect, as long as we do it in
a civilised way. . . . .

_DiyA_ 2010/05/19 20:12
facebook is nothing for us,its nt like food or something else 2 me f i dnt use it,i will die then,same question if some r sick and trying 2 disturb you,wl u wait till they kill you also,
_DiyA_ 2010/05/19 20:14
and for us muslim people we love our prophet more than ourselves,so we can do much thn what we do for ourselves,
Boet 2010/05/19 20:20
I don't normally go onto facebook. And for Pakistan to ban facebook from their country, is ridiculous. And that because of a competition... What will happen now, is that many more Pakistanis will access facebook through other host sites. And that defeats the whole object of the imposed ban
TheMouse 2010/05/19 20:34
And ... what's this thread about if I may ask? /smiley
evil_inside 2010/05/19 21:35
N0 reas0n 2 hate faceb0ok,besides i have my acct there and why shud i hate it?/smiley
DareDevil 2010/05/19 21:38
Quote: Boet: I don't normally go onto facebook. And for Pakistan to ban facebook from their country, is ridiculous. And that because of a competition... What will happen now, is that many more Pakistanis will access facebook through other host sites. And that defeats the whole object of the imposed ban
that's so true ! My friend is using opera to access it !

Replies: 51

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