BABY WHALES by Laketempest 2010/04/02 16:21
Little is an adjective which doesnt really apply to a whale calf. At birth it can already weigh several tons. For instance, between six and eight tons for the blue whale, up to a ton for the sperm whale. The mother whale feeds her calf on milk and the young whale grows at a hundred kilos a day, four and a half kilos every hour. Whale milk has a very high fat content and actually contains thirtyfive percent fat. This is equal to ten times the amount of fat contained in the cows milk we drink
OceanGoddes 2010/04/02 16:24
Interesting fact/smiley nice topic.
evil_inside 2010/04/02 21:33
Nice t0pic,interesting..keep it up.
InternetLord 2010/04/07 16:01
i like whales [cooldude]
Marlou 2010/06/14 02:07
Worth reading topic. Keep sharing us your kn0wledge.
@Moon_boy@ 2010/06/14 10:08
Its really nice topic bro -hug/smiley
LOVELY_GURL 2010/06/16 13:39
/smileykeep up/smiley
Saintless 2010/06/19 01:41
Thank you for the amazing information. /smiley I like whales especially their sound.
TheMouse 2010/06/19 09:18
Drinking cows' milk? Yuck. But I'd love to have a baby whale.
ghostfreak 2010/06/20 06:25
whales are nice
ghostfreak 2010/06/20 16:58
_MZ_dEeP_ 2010/06/21 12:32
i like baby......
NoteBook 2010/06/21 16:05
good info
MFLOW 2011/04/22 15:51
Nice t0pic,interesting..keep it up.
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