Hinduism by Bangali 2010/03/17 14:46
A large number of people believes that Hindu is a religion and follows many rituals as parts of it.But the fact is that there is no religion named Hindu in this world.No guide book of this so called religion can't prove it.Hindu is a geographical term referring all the people irrespective of all religions living at southern side of the river Sindhu.So I request the Hindus to justify their religion searching their all the documents.

haris 2010/03/17 17:54
Yes you're right bro/smiley hindu is a geographical term used for the ppl livin in the indus valley..
_rOcK_ 2010/03/17 18:45
Agreed to some extent
SUNLIGHT 2010/03/17 19:19
Quote: Tarik24: A large number of people believes that Hindu is a religion and follows many rituals as parts of it.But the fact is that there is no religion named Hindu in this world.No guide book of this so called religion can't prove it.Hindu is a geographical term referring all the people irrespective of all religions living at southern side of the river Sindhu.So I request the Hindus to justify their religion searching their all the documents.
in modern world, if you are living in it, the term 'Hindu' reffering to the people those faith and religious practices based on 'Veda, upanishad, Puranya, etc.' which known as 'sanathan dharma' or 'vedantist'.
the term 'HINDU' was used as a geographical term for the inhabitants of ancient India (for people of Hindustan), Hindustan was made of modern Afganistan pakistan india bangladesh srilanka nepal bhutan tibbet, the peoples of all these country were known as HINDU, in early 18th century the western scholars used the term Hindu as a religious term.
the word Hindu is derived from the river 'sindhu' (indus river) and so even the word India, which now flows in modern pakistan. /smiley

haris 2010/03/17 21:29
Quote: SUNLIGHT: in modern world, if you are living in it, the term 'Hindu' reffering to the people those faith and religious practices based on 'Veda, upanishad, Puranya, etc.' which known as 'sanathan dharma' or 'vedantist'.
the term 'HINDU' was used as a geographical term for the inhabitants of ancient India (for people of Hindustan), Hindustan was made of modern Afganistan pakistan india bangladesh srilanka nepal bhutan tibbet, the peoples of all these country were known as HINDU, in early 18th century the western scholars used the term Hindu as a religious term.
the word Hindu is derived from the river 'sindhu' (indus river) and so even the word India, which now flows in modern pakistan. /smiley
so you agree wit the topic creator/smiley

Roshan 2010/03/18 02:39
Quote: haris: so you agree wit the topic creator/smiley
it seems habitually you dont read posts b4 quotes, @Sunlight bro said 'in modern world, if you are living in it, the term 'Hindu' reffering to the people those faith and religious practices based on 'Veda, upanishad, Puranya, etc.' which known as 'sanathan dharma' or 'vedantist'.' ~/smiley~

haris 2010/03/18 04:38
Quote: Roshan: it seems habitually you dont read posts b4 quotes, @Sunlight bro said 'in modern world, if you are living in it, the term 'Hindu' reffering to the people those faith and religious practices based on 'Veda, upanishad, Puranya, etc.' which known as 'sanathan dharma' or 'vedantist'.' ~/smiley~
wow.. And what you call yourself then?

Roshan 2010/03/18 07:02
Quote: haris: wow.. And what you call yourself then?
[b]ARE YOU A HINDU..?? */smiley*

Roshan 2010/03/18 07:08
Quote: haris: wow.. And what you call yourself then?
if you are asking my religious identity, I AM A HINDU, this is the term by what modern world identified our religion >-gap<
if you are asking my geographical identity, I AM A HINDUSTANI, INDIAN, BHARATIYA. >/smiley

Blaz 2010/03/18 08:37
Actually we don't have any word for religion. The word we use for religion is more likely means Righteousness. So whatever you said it right but for olden times. Now Hinduism is a well known religion. /smiley
haris 2010/03/18 08:49
Quote: Roshan: if you are asking my religious identity, I AM A HINDU, this is the term by what modern world identified our religion >-gap<
if you are asking my geographical identity, I AM A HINDUSTANI, INDIAN, BHARATIYA. >/smiley
which modern world you're talkin about? One click on internet, and it clearly shows that Hindu is just a geographical term/smiley

Roshan 2010/03/18 08:59
Quote: haris: which modern world you're talkin about? One click on internet, and it clearly shows that Hindu is just a geographical term/smiley
i hv asked you 'ARE YOU HINDU @haris?????
>One click on internet, and it clearly shows what is Hindu

SUNLIGHT 2010/03/18 15:11
Quote: Tarik24: A large number of people believes that Hindu is a religion and follows many rituals as parts of it.But the fact is that there is no religion named Hindu in this world.No guide book of this so called religion can't prove it.Hindu is a geographical term referring all the people irrespective of all religions living at southern side of the river Sindhu.So I request the Hindus to justify their religion searching their all the documents.
@Tarik24, registered on: 10-03-2010, forum posts: 01, created topics: 05; mostly with 00 forum posts. /smiley
hehehe, FAKE NICK, hahaha LOL /smiley

haris 2010/03/18 19:31
Quote: Roshan: i hv asked you 'ARE YOU HINDU @haris????? . >One click on internet, and it clearly shows what is Hindu
yes i do agree dude.. Every human livin in India is a Hindu./smiley but my religion is Islam, i'm a MUSLIM/smiley

Roshan 2010/03/19 18:48
Quote: haris: yes i do agree dude.. Every human livin in India is a Hindu./smiley but my religion is Islam, i'm a MUSLIM/smiley
thanx if you appreciating and being proud of the our ancient culture, and heritage, /smiley this is the Land Lord Rama born, this is the Land Lord Krishna born, this is the Land of Goutam Budha, Swami Mahavira, and Guru NANAK. . Be a HINDU and be pride of HINDUSTAN.> JAI SHREE RAMA, . SHREE KRISHNA HARE HARE /smiley

SUNLIGHT 2010/03/20 04:24
Quote: haris: yes i do agree dude.. Every human livin in India is a Hindu./smiley but my religion is Islam, i'm a MUSLIM/smiley
haha, in its geographical aspect word Hindu is not only for indians but also AFGHANS, PAKISTANIS, BANGLADESHI, are also HINDUS /smiley

SUNLIGHT 2010/03/20 04:29
Quote: haris: yes i do agree dude.. Every human livin in India is a Hindu./smiley but my religion is Islam, i'm a MUSLIM/smiley
Is this not silliness, if i wl say 'Im a Hindu (Indian citizen), but i believe and follow constitution and law of USA, and praise USA president.. /smiley

haris 2010/03/20 06:13
Quote: Roshan: thanx if you appreciating and being proud of the our ancient culture, and heritage, /smiley this is the Land Lord Rama born, this is the Land Lord Krishna born, this is the Land of Goutam Budha, Swami Mahavira, and Guru NANAK. . Be a HINDU and be pride of HINDUSTAN.> JAI SHREE RAMA, . SHREE KRISHNA HARE HARE /smiley
yes i'm proud of being a hindustani. Proud that so many great personalities were born in this soil includin Dr Zakir Naik and many more/smiley

Roshan 2010/03/20 06:16
Quote: haris: yes i'm proud of being a hindustani. Proud that so many great personalities were born in this soil includin Dr Zakir Naik and many more/smiley
who is this guy zakir naik??? How you now became a Hindustani?? /smiley

Roshan 2010/03/20 06:30
Quote: SUNLIGHT: haha, in its geographical aspect word Hindu is not only for indians but also AFGHANS, PAKISTANIS, BANGLADESHI, are also HINDUS /smiley
hahaha.. bro, after reading your post now he became a Hindustani, hahaha.. /smiley

SUNLIGHT 2010/03/20 07:36
Quote: Roshan: who is this guy zakir naik??? How you now became a Hindustani?? /smiley
hehe, the guy is himself aint proud of indian culture n heritage /smiley . and more the 99% indian aint know him /smiley

Replies: 48

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